Photography, fast cars, music, piercings, cooking, computers.
People who are back in NOLA, and plan on staying. I've lived in New Orleans almost 12 years now, but spent 10 months in Northern Virginia compliments Katrina, and my job is has finally moving back to the City. Now that I'm getting back home, I suddenly realize that many of my friends are still gone, or are not coming back.
After 11 years uptown, I have taken up in the French Quarter now, and it seems very cool. Lower Decatur is really a very nice place to be, and it's got a full complement of freaks of all types. Now I anxiously await the Next Big Thing from the ex-Envie staff, so I can go back to spending my down nights in front of my computer and having a nice cuppajoe.
Even though I have tossed out a temporary anchor in the Quarter, now that I've spent a year NOT drinking New Orleans Style, I think I'd like to spend some time in New Orleans without a constant buzz. Not that I want to NOT drink, mind you... Anyone who knows me knows I enjoy a good beer or several. I just want to maybe not drink as much as I possibly can. Call me crazy... Or, perhaps, at age 38, I am finally maturing beyond a 21-year-old level.
On my iPod, I have everything from Crystal Method to James Taylor, from Big Band to 80's pop. My favorites tend to range and are subject to change at a moment's notice. Of course, I will beat a song to absolute death if allowed to do so.
Sixteen Candles, the Godfather, Waking Ned Devine, House of D... A ton more.
Law and Order, Adult_Swim, Family Guy.
The Dark Tower series, Mental Floss' Condensed Knowledge, Bruce Schneier books (though he is a tad on the paranoid side), software manuals... anything to satisfy my short attention span.
My late mother, Charles Schulz, most of the people that work for me.