i'm a little bit feral. i think these days i'm more joyful than anything. i'm a dirt worshipping punk cowgrrl. try that one on for size. i like to paint and play the piano. i have a truck for hauling cow poo to my fields, i ride a fuji road bike. i write and post stuff on diybloggrrl.blogspot and at diyartgrrl.blogspot"This is a lonesome society that's been fragmented by the factory system. People don't live in communities anymore. But they should: Communities are very comforting to human beings. I couldn't survive my own pessimism if I didn't have some kind of sunny little dream. That's mine, and don't tell me I'm wrong: Human beings will be happier not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia."--- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr."Purity is the opposite of integrity - the cruelest thing you can do to a person is make her ashamed of her own complexity. The stories of our lives have no morals. Any single conclusion drawn would be false; the episodes, taken together, are untranslatable, incomparable. If we are to conclude at all, we can only conclude against conclusions." -an excerpt from Fighting For Our Lives
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