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Spike Lycan

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Well, well, well. Where to start. My name is Steve but I really don't like my name. It just seems like there are way to many steves in this world so I picked up on the name Spike one day and it stuck with me to the point where even the teachers at the school call me Spike. The last name was givin to me by my bro Faust. So since that day i lost Steve and became Spike Lycan. I Live in a little hick town in a marsh called Bradford. I have black hair, I'm 5'11 and I have blue-green eyes. I have 5 ear peircings and have plans for tattoo's in the near future. I was in band called "The Shadow Walkers" but we didn't last to long. I also belong to an Undergroung Family known as NS. There is nothing else anyone needs to know.CURRENT MOON about the moon
Name: Spike Lycan
Birthday: June 22, 1988
Birthplace: Brampton, Ontario
Current Location: Bradford, Ontario
Eye Color: Blue - Green
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'11
Right Handed or Left Handed: Both, I'm Special
Your Heritage: Polish and Welsh
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black Steel Toes
Your Weakness: I'm allergic to Silver and most Metals
Your Fears: Hights
Your Perfect Pizza: Meat Lovers, but only if its with CANADIAN bacon
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get a job and keep it
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up: I'm Tired
Your Best Physical Feature: My Hair
Your Bedtime: None
Your Most Missed Memory: Humanitiy
Pepsi or Coke: I'm more of a Sprite person
MacDonalds or Burger King: Fuck Burgers..... I Love KFC
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: Ice Cappuccino
Do you Smoke: Yes I have bad habits
Do you Swear: Fuck Ya
Do you Sing: Ya when I drink
Do you Shower Daily: Always
Have you Been in Love: Ya
Do you want to go to College: Maybe
Do you want to get Married: Ya
Do you belive in yourself: Most of the time
Do you get Motion Sickness: Hell Ya
Do you think you are Attractive: No
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do you get along with your Parents: Only my Mother
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love them
Do you play an Instrument: Drums
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: I'm Drinking right now....
In the past month have you Smoked: Ya
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Ya
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Not sure
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Ya
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: I Hate sushi
In the past month have you been on Stage: No
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: YA
Ever been called a Tease: Once or twice....lol
Ever been Beaten up: ya
Ever Shoplifted: Ya, i got arrested for it
How do you want to Die: In my Sleep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A Chef
What country would you most like to Visit: Scotland
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Brown
Favourite Hair Color: Doesn't Matter
Short or Long Hair: Short
Height: Don't Matter
Weight: Don't Matter
Best Clothing Style: Dark, but doesn't really matter
Number of Drugs I have taken: I can make a list
Number of CDs I own: 138
Number of Piercings: 5
Number of Tattoos: none at the moment
Number of things in my Past I Regret: To many
Your Heart is Black
What Color is Your Heart?
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?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
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My Interests

Reading horror novles, Writing horror novles, Writing sceen plays for horror movies, Going for long walks late at night, and I love to play a good game of Truth or Dare; I like to see how fearful people are

I'd like to meet:

Ozzy OsbourneI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


The Vampire Papers, Prime Evil, Bite, Those Who Stalk The Night, Night Watchers, Darkness Tells Us


Brandon LeeCriss Angel

My Blog

Why I am, Who I am

I think I should specify why I'm the way I am. Well to start, I'm the biggest horror movie freak imaginable. I really think its fuck up my mind watching all of them. Its like I use horror movies and b...
Posted by Spike Lycan on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:14:00 PST

Life Of Spike

My real name is Stephen Matthew Lewis the 4th. I hate using the 4th part, but i do in my bio because I have a Royal Blood Line. I don't like telling people that, but whatever. I was born June 22, 1988...
Posted by Spike Lycan on Fri, 25 May 2007 01:43:00 PST

I'm Finished

Well over the last week I've been doing alot of thinking. And sure alot of it has made me really pissed off. But in the end, I feel like i just opened a new chapter in my life. The first thing I reali...
Posted by Spike Lycan on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:20:00 PST

Vampires Of The World

The British IslesTho Bram Stoker and re-invention of the vampire myth in the novel Dracula is by far the greatest link Great Britain has, to the modern vampire. As early as the 12 century, official re...
Posted by Spike Lycan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

about werewolves

Werewolf legends originated from the countryside around German town Colongne and Bedburg in 1591. At that time Europe was under the dark shadow of ignorance and superstitions. Towns were underdevelope...
Posted by Spike Lycan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST