JohnnyCash32 profile picture


Thank You Veterans

About Me

I am a collector of June Carter, and Johnny Cash memorbila. When my father passed away in 1994, he served 22 years in the service.After he died the military said he did not exist and wanted the flag back off the casket.Since my father records did not exist meant he did not qualify for a military bearal. The family had to go to each military person and ask them to be a Paul bearer.With help from the VFW we were able to get a head stone for my father for I am very thankfull of.My father served in Korea, Veitnam, and the Cuban crises.I have a interest in Pow/Mia due to I used to work with a Pow from veitnam, also after my father died that to many veterans are forgotten along with our Pow/Mia.I was electricuted a few years back with 240-460 volts and have burn marks on my eyes. In Feb I got to go back a third time to see a specialist about the burn marks on nearve's going to the brain.The specialist I saw was not good because he could not find my referal info with test results then perscribed glasses that I could not even see the hand in front of my face.The second pair of lenses came in and still can not use them because my eyes have changed by the time the glasses came back the second time.I was being refered to Iowa city eye specialist.I have been loosing vision, and sometimes have to wear a eye patch or dark glasses all the time.I was told I am major light sensative to the eye so any light makes the sever pain I have in the eyes and random changes in my vision.There is no cure just eye drops that can ease the pain only. On June 4th 2007 my girl freind and I went to the Hospital because she was having major back pain.We found out when we were there that she was already 9 centermeters dialated at the doors and a 1 hour and 45 minutes later had our son.We had no clue she was pregnant, Robyn gained 5 lbs the last month and had no signs or symptoms that she was pregnant.We named our son after both his grandfathers who have passed on.My son has started to walk now the day before Easter now he is a hand full trying to keep up with him. Layout made by Moon's Layouts by Design

My Interests

If there is any copyrighted photos please let me know and I will remove them,so I do not have my Myspace account deleted again.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet other Cash Family Members,I was able to see the TN3 in concert and meet WS. Holland and Bob Wootton June 19th in Lincoln Ne 2007, it was a long time Dream to meet them.


Johnny Cash,June Carter Cash, older country, Folk, Native American,Blue Grass, and some otherhref=" 2J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL3QyMTIvam9obm55Y2FzaDMyLz9hY3Rpb249d mlldyZjdXJyZW50PXBvd2ZsYWdpbnNpZHcuanBn" target="_blank">

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Return to the Promised land,The Gospel Road,Johnny Cash Live in Denmark,Baron and the Kid,The Best of Johnny Cash TV Show,The Gospel music of Johnny Cash,Johnny Cash in Ireland,Pete Seegers staring Johnny Cash and June Carter,The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James,Walk the Line,Johnny Cash Live at Montrenx,Johnny Cash Live from Austin Tx,Johnny Cash the man his world his music,Johnny Cash Riding the Rails,Johnny Cash Highwaymen On The Road Again,Johnny Cash town Hall Party,Road to Nashville,Murder in Coweta County,A Gunfight,Johnny Cash Live in San Quentin,The Johnny Cash the Man in Black a Documentary,Pride Of Jesse Hallum, Five Minutes to Live,All Star Tribute to Johnny Cash,Dueling Guns,Stagecoach, RIP Jerry Reed March 20, 1937- Aug. 32, 2008


TAPS Ghost Hunters, Trick my Truck, Flip this House, History channel, Discovery channel, Clean House, Any thing on June Carter Cash & Johnny Apache Tears & John Henry


Johnny Cash - Let Him Roll
Johnny Cash & Hank Williams
href=" tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL3QyMTIvam9obm55Y2FzaDMyLz9hY3Rpb249dmlldy ZjdXJyZW50PXB1cnBsZXByYXlpbmdoYW5kcy5qcGc=" target="_blank">


My parents, June Carter Cash, Johnny Cash, and all the Veterans who serve our country,Pow/Mia Big & Rich - 8TH Of November
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