.:☆★StvB★☆:. profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a pretty simple person, and make mistakes like all men. I've seen a lot of life, both very good and some less than good, and its shaped my character. I don't play games, and I wear my feelings on my sleeve. I'm grateful to the ones who love me.

I'm not afraid of my weaknesses, while I still feel strong. As its not the number of times you're knocked down that are of concern, but the number of times and ways in which you get up that are important.
"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it." --Michael Gartner, Pulitzer Prize winner
I love music and the arts--starting an internet music and media business and am very excited about where I'm taking it. Actually, I briefly owned an art gallery too, so I guess its fair to say that I like art...artists...all forms really. I'm always amazed of the individuals who can master a skill and perform it for others in an interesting way.

Still, who am I? Well, I'm going to throw some stuff up here, but really, you should just ask! Deep Purple...fav color! Dogs/cats...love 'em both, but cats are easiest. Love tattoos and find all types of people interesting. Visited many parts of the world, but haven't even begun to see enough! Music...is to kiss the soul!

haha! What can you say about a cancer...emotionally intense and deeper than they appear on the surface, while quite sensitive and understanding once you get through that tough exterior....yeah, so? Cancerians can be difficult to understand and sometimes allow irrational emotions to rule their otherwise sensible heads...uh huh? Your sexuality is primarily directed toward the satisfaction of the other and you will generally go along with whatever that other cares to do, so long as he or she is sympathetic and considerate of your feelings. Sure...ok. Stop! enough of that!

I'm a midwest kid at heart walking tall and making my own way in the world. I'm very simple really, yet like most, I'm very complex. That doesn't say a whole lot, I know...but its very true. I believe more in my name and who I am than any desires to stand in the center stage to be seen. I'm not here really looking for anything or anyone, nor for that matter to promote myself...just open for friendships and to stay in touch.

My Interests

Art, Music, Travel, Adventures...all in the same day is best!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet my muse then get lost with the time...

Other than that, I've met some pretty cool and wonderful people throughout my life, people of all walks and levels of life, literally from the homeless on the street, the political elite, intimate gatherings with multi-millionaires and even a multi-billionaire or two, and really everything in between - people manuvering through life - and I guess I'm blessed that I still get to meet interesting new people here and there everyday. I prefer to know people for who they are, not what they are, but its difficult to show that side...I'm saying that as much of myself as of anyone else. Still, my favorite people in the world are my family and close friends...you know who you are! Beyond them, I'd like to meet anyone who can be genuine and true to themselves...let's just have some fun.

New addition as someone I'd like to meet -- Thomas Dowd, may he R.I.P., and Les Paul, the inventor of the electric guitar (I'm planning a trip in Nov. to NYC and hope to meet Les Paul as he plays the Iridium) -- the two influenced and changed the making of music as we know it today!

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I'm learning to play the electric bass. Haha...silly me, before I had even learned how to play a single note, I bought three basses and all the electronics to go with it...just to learn! (whaaat? I did the same thing when I bought my first sailboat - a 36' Islander coastal cruiser!)

No individual genre or style of music defines me. I'm a little bit of everything... From Rock and Punk; Dance and Trance,to Metal and Hip-Hop; even a bit of Jazz, Blues and Classical.No particular order and just a few: Pink Floyd / G-n-R / Stone Roses / New Order / Depech Mode / Pet Shop Boys / The Cure / David Bowie / Adrian Belew / Led Zeppelin / Journey / Toad The Wet Sprocket / Ozzy / N.I.N. / Deftones / Pearl Jam / The White Stripes / Red Hot Chili Peppers / Johnny Cash / The Greatful Dead / Marilyn Manson / The Doors / Leonard Cohen / Roger Hodgson / Steve Miller Band / Eagles / Poison / Janes Addiction / Creed / Neil Diamond / Smashing Pumpkins / Metalica / Aerosmith / U2 / Folk Implosion / No Doubt (oh, and of course Gwyn)

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Enjoy most movies for simply the entertainment value, but not musicals...cept, well, Moulin Rough was a hell of a good movie for a musical. Netflix just won’t send them fast enough!


I don't watch anything other than sports, the family guy, and when I am forced to watch nip/tuck... Oh, that Tommy Lee in College show was pretty hilarious back in its day...


I love reading anything that can teach me a lesson (or two), or give me a better incite on life! ;) Love history, Stephen King, and anything else that I can get absorbed into.


My Father, who I miss dearly and am proud of what he gave to me... Oh, yeah, and the Cisco Kid was pretty cool!

My Blog

Better than a horiscope?

....naaahhhh!!  but it may be more reflective of me at the core!Took this test "Strenghts Finder 2.0" for work, and these are my top five talents in order.  There's a set of information that...
Posted by .:StvB:. on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 04:37:00 PST

Tomorrow's Another Day

He believes that yesterday is past The memories create a map He finds his way through life's confusion To settle in the day He sips his wine and passes time Thinking of the future What is past is sim...
Posted by .:StvB:. on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 05:24:00 PST

Possessing faith, hope and love

Possessing faith, hope and love   faith, hope, and love are more precious than gold for if you possess them you've riches untold with faith to believe what your eyes cannot see and hope to look ...
Posted by .:StvB:. on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:24:00 PST

Those Tiny Little Opportunities

Those Tiny Little Opportunities...   When life brings to you those tiny little opportunities you should take hold of them and grasp them near the heart For sometimes they may be the most special ...
Posted by .:StvB:. on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:22:00 PST