¿Phil? profile picture


Complexly simple.

About Me

Well, allow myself to...introduce.....myself. I have 26 years of experience in life. Born and raised in the small country town of Columbus, Indiana. Midwest boy. Met a lot of great life-long friends whom I consider family. I am blessed with the best family and friends a person can ask for. Went to Indiana University. Graduated with Studio Art/Graphic Design degree. Moved to Jacksonville, Florida about 4 years ago. I work at a printing company as the Graphics Department Manager. I also teach martial arts to kids in my free time (which really isn't my free time.) But Phil love da kids!!! And during all of this, I am also starting my own graphic design company. Work hard, play harder, right? I have alot of interest in doing alot of things, but don't have the time to do them all. My goals in life: Strive to be a better person today than I was yesterday, to one day tell my parents and my future wife that they do not have to work anymore, repay everyone that has given me an opportunity, to help less fortunate people, and ultimately make a difference. Just a few things on my to-do list. Oh and I also want to put together a Real World/Road Rules challenge with all my friends that takes place in a tropical location. Is that too much to ask?

Random stuff: I like short walks on the beach and over-lit dinners. I have a weakness for potato chips, pickles, and soup. I am addicted to Q-tips. I would clean my ears out every five minutes if I had the time. I can not stay awake during movies for the life of me, but I quote movies like it's my job. You figure it out. I hate eating potato chips while watching TV, because no matter how loud you keep turning the volume up, you can't hear anything. But I do it anyways, just to annoy the other people watching TV with me that are not eating potato chips. Everyone but me sucks at driving. I love sitting in traffic for hours at a time as if I had nothing better to do with my life. I can not eat a sandwich if it is not cut diagonally. I am not sure why. I dominate at these little myspace games. I love the smell of Love Spell. Try saying that 10 times fast. 5 times even. I hate sitting in stools where my feet dangle. I thoroughly enjoy looking at pictures of my friends in little blue boxes with their names on top of them. Genius, Tom...genius. When drinking, I count how many gulps I take and it always has to be an even number. I don't know. I hate people that are closed-minded, rude, or dramatic. If you have drama, I don't want to hear it. If you pop your collar, expect a punch in the face. Small price to pay, if you ask me. I can't live without Sprite. Sprite in a can-sucks, Sprite from the fountain-heaven in my mouth. When I get home from the grocery store, I HAVE TO carry all my groceries in the house in one trip, even if the plastic bags are cutting off my circulation and my fingers turn all white and I can not feel them anymore. This is especially impressive when I have a 15 lb bag of dog food or when I go to Sam's Club. I feel naked with a shirt on. If you have never seen me without a shirt on, you don't know me very well. I guess it is the thug in me, or maybe the white trash. Or maybe the combination of the two. Sometimes I crave condiments. I can never type a capital "I" on the first try. I often find myself wondering why more people are not in the hot cake business, if everything that sells well sells like hot cakes. I have a small obsession with coats and jackets. I have a bunch of them and I live in Florida where I don't need them. It annoys me when people give me money and it is not faced the same way. It shows lack of respect for money. I hate it when you're driving and you're nice enough to let someone in and they don't give the Thank You wave. Like it was their driving skills that got them into that spot. IDIOTS!!! There's more, but now I'm very irritated at the forementioned topics. I need to take a moment to calm down. Stay tuned for more.

My Interests

Graphic Design, My dog RZA, Martial Arts, Art in General, Working Out, Guitar, Live Music, Spooning, Football, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Traveling, Learning new things, Laughing, Making others laugh, Family, Friends, Making a difference and having fun....

I'd like to meet:

someone that is not in my extented network.


G.C. and Soul Mafia, Rage against the Machine, Jay-Z, Rusted Root, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ludacris, 2 Pac, Grateful Dead, etc.


I have a hard time staying awake through movies, but when I do I like satire comedies (i.e. Airplane, Billy Madison, all the Naked Guns, Meet the Parents, etc.) Movies you have to think about to get it (i.e. Sixth Sense, Saw, Ocean's Eleven) Classics (i.e. Ferrais Bueller, Rudy, Friday)


Reruns of Full House and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Baby! Also like Apprentice, Ultimate Fighter, American Chopper, Miami Ink, and Entourage. Entourage party at my house on Sunday nights at 10:00 pm, be there. Hug it out, bitches!


Philosophy Books, I enjoy learning about people's perspectives, ideology and how people think, and any books I can color in.


My parents and my grandparents. The brave men and women of the armed forces. And Tom of course.