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Poop on your head!

About Me

Freelance graphic designer, soon to be property manager, artist, and all around guy.check out my page www.theodoredesigns.comClick the image above or, Check out my Pictures section for work I've done.If you're interested in learning more about my services feel free to contact me via myspace or my website.

My Interests

art, graphic design, concert, home improvement, working for myself, friends, and family.

I'd like to meet:

My next client.


I really like a lot of music. So I'll tell you what I don't like. Celine Dion and anyone like her, Screamo, Emo, Industrial, Super Heavy Metal, and some Pop songs however not all of it's shitty.


.. Anything truly thought provoking unless it provokes stupid thoughts...


I think I watch too much TV. So I'm gonna start reading, writing, drawing, painting and doing those fun things more.


All Vonnegut is good or at least entertaining. Ayn Rand's Fountain Head is my favorite novel thus far. I'd like to write and maybe illustrate a children's book. I've always loved Silverstein, Dr. Suess, and PD Eastman. The Giving Tree is the best book of all time! However, the Lorax is up there too.
Recently took a little less than a year to read Catch 22. I say it's just o.k. I'll never read it again. But I think it's worth reading once. Not the greatest but not the worse. Fuck Nately's dead whore.
01/11/07 Just finished a second reading of Orwell's 1984. I must say there's a lot I didn't remember from the first read. Granted it was over 10 years ago. 1984 is one of the best warnings against the negative potential of Human soceity. It hits home today as much as ever. I suggest any conscious soul read this book again.
02/12/07 Finished Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" Not a bad book. It can sometimes be difficult to keep up with the slang language of the time. Loved the stuff about the running of the bulls and the excessive drinking was a perfect compliment beginning my week in Belize.
02/16/07 Finished "Getting Stoned with Savages" J. Maarten Troost's follow up to "The Sex lives of Cannibals" A travel account of living the expat life in the South Pacific. Another perfect compliment to a stay in Belize. It made me think that if this guy can live in the South Pacific with his wife and have a baby, I could probably do alright living a few slow paced years on Caye Caulker. Pretty good book written in a witty and humorous style that'll keep you turning pages. It will also make you want to drink some kava. Fortunately Belize offered plenty of Beliken and 1 Barrel Rum.
Aril 3rd No longer currently reading "Living Abroad in Belize." Brad borrowed and lost the book before I could finish.
May 28th 07 Just finished "Marley and Me," by John Grogan. It's pretty funny. It's about a guy, his crazy ass Lab, his wife, and mostly life as a naive dog owner and starting a family. It's a book that hits home to anyone who owns a dog or anyone who's ever lived life. It's a good quick read and I have to warn you that you'll most likely cry, but you'll laugh a lot too.
07/16 to 07/19 Read The King of Methlehem It was a quick fun read makes me fell like everyone around me is tweeking on meth and or making meth. Not a bad little book
05/30/07 08/10/08 Finally Finished Noam Chomsky's "Failed States" It's pretty informative but its a very thick read.
07/20/07 to 12/24/07 Read Al Gore's Assault on Reason.
12/22/07 02/08/08 Read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. by Jonathan Safran Foer. Great fiction book about an eccentric kid who lost his dad on 9/11
02/02/08 Read Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea. What a crazy old man.
02/16/08 Read The Pact by Jodi Piccoult.
04/01/02 Just finished the first Harry Potter.
Started Harry Potter number two.


Christopher Walken, my parents, my family, my friends, and my dog and cat.

My Blog

Second installment of the trip down

Continuations of Email update number 1& We allow Roscoe and Mando to relieve them selves in a secluded area of the hotel garden. Roscoe is reluctantly squished into his dog carrier and Mando is wrappe...
Posted by Theodore on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 06:50:00 PST

Blogging in Belize!

Email Update 1In order cut down on any and all suspense, we are all happy to say that we've arrived in Hopkins, Belize. Today was our first full day and the weather, as highly anticipated, has been wo...
Posted by Theodore on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 06:27:00 PST

Its Official!

Well, two weeks ago I officially notified my current employer, Campus Classics, that I, Theodore J. Schuyler, am slightly crazy and have over-sized cojones. Yes, I told them that I am moving to Caye C...
Posted by Theodore on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 11:40:00 PST

Common Sense

Got this from another Bulletin but I like it so I'll post it as a blizzog! Oh and the part about the coffee, I recently read that McDonalds was to blame. Apparently they knew that they had been brewin...
Posted by Theodore on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 07:56:00 PST

Unicorns and Kissey Fish?

Y O U 's New Moviekiss Remix Video. Ms. Niespodziani and Elder Brother Mr. Niespodziani spent nearly a year working on this video.The Remix was done by Ben H Allen of Gnarls Barkley.Please w...
Posted by Theodore on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:17:00 PST

Undeniable Fact

I am getting older. So... Yeah I know, NO SHIT! We all are! What's the fucking point!Yes re-Ted-ed what is the fucking point indeed? Well let me tell you.It's not that I'm worried about my inevitable ...
Posted by Theodore on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 08:58:00 PST

Spring is Here!

That means the winter blues are officially over. It seems every winter both Ashley and I go through some sort of small depression that we most often call a funk. This is not of the George Clinton Parl...
Posted by Theodore on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:46:00 PST


So over Christmas, while with my family the question of how to spell weird came up. I don't know why it came up, but it did. Ashley and I immediately blurted out W-E-I-R-D. Then my dad said W-I-E-R-D....
Posted by Theodore on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 08:04:00 PST

My Favorite Place!

Well last night the tickets got booked. Brad, Jess, Ashley and I will be making our third trip back to Paradise, AKA Caye Caulker Belize. We'll be leaving in Feb when we're normally suffering from cab...
Posted by Theodore on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 09:48:00 PST

Maybe who knows?

My Grandfather suffered from this diagnosis and I wouldn't wish this on anybody. Not even Bush. However, this little video makes a case. Probably not true but who knows. It does help to explain quite ...
Posted by Theodore on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:58:00 PST