the Marzipan man remembers starting to think somewhere in a damp forest somewhere in the south west of England, where he has lived since, he lives under the roots of a big tree, sharing the place with two rabbits, he usually never comes out of his home and stays all day there writing stories, but keeps in contact with the rest of the world sending letters, he's managed by Serious Moustache (...)
the marzipan man is not a human being... sometimes finds socializing very difficult...
but he's trying...
the marzipan man stories is a record, but also a book or a theatre play or a cartoon
all its stories are connected, everything starts with a wind, the wind is an advice of storms that will come, it will shake the world known by the marzipan man, and humans will act as animals and animals as humans, this is how the record begins...
the marzipan man stories will be printed very soon... spring... 2007... and sold in shops... shops that sell useful things (...)
the marzipan man stories is printed, is out the 7th of May, today!
the Marzipan man is a puppet and a puppeter too, he moves strings and makes Jordi play...
Marie Terese plays bells in the Magik ribbon and talks in The creature on top of the fire place
Joantoni plays drums in Sometimes, Buddy the cat and Take this wind as an advice of storms to come...
El Prehome plays bass in Take this wind, Buddy the cat and Travelling song...
Pelusa sings in Take-this-wind-as-an-advice-of-storms-to-come...
the Liquorice girl sings in How could I know? and in The night reality met the dream
... Emmanuelle plays arp on Madrigal, Dusk Hill, Take this wind...and Travelling song...
Matt plays in No students turned out...
the marzipan man is not an imaginary character...
this nice picture you see on the background, and the ones near the songs, have been made by Rafael Adrover. he's great.
The Marzipan Man (l’home de massapà ) és un personatge de conte infantil, que habita un món mà gic i irreal a on els animals en són els protagonistes. De fet, viu davall d’un arbre, acompanyat de dos conills. No surt gairebé mai, i des del seu amagatall escriu i escriu sense descans. Les històries del Marzipan Man ens traslladen a un món d’encanteris i sorpreses, rondalles post-modernes plenes de significats que ningú no arriba a entendre del tot.
Jordi Herrera, cantant i guitarrista de Satellites, és el mèdium de The Marzipan Man al món real. Ell conta a qui el vulgui escoltar que un dia de pluja, a prop del bosc de Salisbury, es va trobar amb l’home de massapà . D’aquell encontre no en sabem molt més, però sà sabem que, a partir d’aquell moment, les cançons anaren prenent forma fins arribar a conformar el repertori de The Marzipan Man Stories
Com en una obra de titelles, en un llibre il.lustrat o en una historieta dibuixada, una a una les històries que conta l’home de massapà es van succeïnt: la nina de la cinta mà gica que puja a la font del riu, la guineu d’orelles punxagudes que s’amaga quan comença la temporada de caça, la nit memorablement fosca que la realitat va conéixer el somni.
El somni es trobarà amb la realitat damunt de l’escenari d'un teatre, i també quan surti a la fi el disc de The Marzipan Man, primavera del 2007. Un recull de contes infantils per a adults, contes adults per a infants, contes d’animals per a persones i contes de persones per als animals. Les històries de l’home de massapà estan fetes per encisar-nos a tots, en disc i en directe. Òbviament, l’home de massapà està fet d’una altra pasta.
Sometimes. nou video marzipan. 100% homemade. realitzat per le poulet and friends: puppets by maite, jose miguel, eva, bea, michael, emmanuelle, silvia i alex
versio no masteritzada
mmm no se com controlar la qualitat de la imatge. maleit youtube.
Pep Oliva Trencada/Nova Ternura recorded this video. may the force be with him.
Avui, Hoy, Today, the record is out, edited by Primeros Pasitos, distributed by Popstock! the spaceship is finished
Si quieres comprar el disco, pidelo en la tienda, o aqui mismo, envia un mensaje aqui o a [email protected]
If you wanna buy the record you can do it here, send a message here or at [email protected]
Pots comprar el disc a una tenda, si no el tenen, demana'l, o a aqui mateix, enviant un missatge aqui o a [email protected],
10 Euros + gastos envio, 10 pounds all included