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Marlon Random

Marlon Random, random people

About Me

Marlon Random is the alias of Luis Bestard, a Barcelona based drummer, bon vivant, translator, historian and so many other things I don't remember. I've been touring extensively with bands like el Diablo en el Ojo, Suite and Trailer (now known as Nova Ternura) and have sporadically played with people with inmense talent such as The Marzipan Man and Petit. Recently, I joined Jacques Casanova and his Dandys, Román Romanovich's band, italian popstar and psychedelic bishop and started a new project with songwriter and computer programmer Pablo Martínez. My style is spontaneous and vibrant, think of Levon Helm or the incredible Glenn Kotche from Wilco... but I'm sorry, I'm completely unable to play jazz, electroacoustic music or traditional turkish ballads. The click is the wave I surf... I love it, I hate it... but somehow we managed to come to terms and record together several drum tracks in some 4 long play recordings (see list below). I love north american folk music, what is commonly named americana; my reference bands are My Morning Jacket (those awesome Kentucky bastards), Will Oldham (GOD), Wilco, Son Volt (vaya una panda de guiris!!!), Songs:Ohia (want to feel depressed?), etc... I love simple drum lines with feeling, those mild tempoed patterns that make you hit the floor alternatively with your feet. On the other side I also listen to a wide range of styles, from old skool electro to bossanova or all that bunch of musical geniuses included in the THRILL JOCKEY label. Please take some time and check some of my work listening to the songs I include here. I have recorded so far: "Nit"___El Diablo en el Ojo, Primeros pasitos (2001) "Diablomar"___El Diablo en el Ojo, Primeros Pasitos (2003) "Delayed City"____Trailer, Unreleased (2004) "Piezas Contentas"____Suite, Astro (October 2007) Would love to hear any suggestion and comments from you all.DUQUE DELLATE

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My Interests


Member Since: 7/5/2007
Influences: Wilco, The Band, Jayhawks, Will Oldham, Suicide, Nick Drake, My Morning Jacket, Curtis Mayfield, Al Greene, Issac Hayes, Pharoah Sanders, Coltrane, Chk Chk Chk, Hot Chip, Iggy and the stooges, MC5, Serge Gainsbourg, Tindersticks, Cat Power, Sea and the Cake, Archer Prewitt, Portishead, The Waterboys, John Tejada, The Ramones, Beyonce Knowles and many others.
Sounds Like: Hit the tin and rum (sorry, run)
Record Label: none
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New songs / video ___ Nuevas canciones / video

I uploaded some new stuff from the Dandys and the Casanova... two nice softhardsour songs we just finished recording some days ago. Would you please take some time to listen to them? I love the drum w...
Posted by Marlon Random on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 04:33:00 PST

Obama, Clinton... America

The other night I dreamt of Barack Obama becoming the new president of the USA, foreseeing things that didn't seem that probable a week ago but now we can see that the man of the change is some miles ...
Posted by Marlon Random on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:58:00 PST

Twa Pygmies / Pigmeos Twa

English Twa Pygmies are a tribe whose abodes are criss-cross peppered in an area comprising the borders of southern Uganda, Western Rwuanda, Northern Burundi and Eastern Congo Democratic Republic... b...
Posted by Marlon Random on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:15:00 PST

Music business

Quite a strange thing this of being a musician. Loads of work... no money, few recognition, if you deserve any at all. Can't help thinking of the Peter Pan's syndrome, about wannabe gatherings, d...
Posted by Marlon Random on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 02:49:00 PST

New-old song by PETIT

Today I published a new-old song which I recorded with Petit in Palma de Mallorca this last summer, on a hot day of August . I'm pretty happy with these tracks despite they sound a little harsh and ed...
Posted by Marlon Random on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 02:53:00 PST

want to become a my morning jacket member

How do I do it? Como lo hago? Perros, I've been sending them money and pleas, prayers as well as faking a huge depression ( recorded a tape, it's me crying for some 20 min) and threatening with a spec...
Posted by Marlon Random on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 02:36:00 PST