|The female form|
|Cold weather|
|The fake kind of baby making|
|Road Trips|
|Going to Speedway|
|Driving nice cars|
|Meeting new people|
|Doing drunken handstands|
|Giving bad directions|
|Making fun of tourists|
|Going to shows|
|Wasting precious time|
|Writing Songs|
|Playing Bass|
|Knife Fights|
Selfish, egomaniacal, arrogant, big headed, bastards...NEED NOT APPLY!
AIM = thedenverlife
|Is my religion|
|The ones where everyone dies at the end|
|Troma flicks|
|Mafia movies|
Soak your TV in gasoline, light it on fire,
then, throw it off a fucking building!
|Tattoo Mags|
|Die in plane crashes|