BDSM, writing, Celtic studies, Wicca, flogging, spanking
open minded person, not afraid of experiencing new things, such as flogging, bondage, spankings, waxing, wild passionate sex, long kisses that last through out night
Jimmy Buffet, Blues, Rock, jazz
Quills, Cool Hand Luke, Kellys heros, where eagles dare, Army of Darkness, Samuri movies on IFC, the secretary, The warriors, Escape from NY, Freaks, The Unknown, Rio Lobo, El Diablo, The quiet man, North to Alaska, Harvey, High Noon, the man who shot liberty Valance, the man who would be king, treasure of Siera Madre, the maltese falcon, Key Largo, yada, yada, yada
Angel, South Park, Monk, Stargate King of the Hill, Buffy the Vampire slayer, X Files
screw the roses, give me the thorns. Stranger in a strange land Anything by David Eddings, anything by Donald E. Westgate
René Artois, the bravest man in all of front