Tectonic aka Materia aka Jan Warnstam started his music career on an Amiga 500 in 1988. Since then he has produced many styles of electronic music and seen the birth of genres such breakbeat, jungle and drum'n'bass in the early 90s. He started acquiring more dedicated hardware and soon decided to take his music production to a new level, and to a wider audience. In August 2000 he participated in a remix competition on the Swedish Radio P3 show Morgonpasset, followed by sending of demos to P3 Dans and P3 Demo in September under the name of Soil of Sound. In spring 2001 a 15 minute special show dedicated to his previous and present music was featured in P3 show Syntax Error.In April 2001 Back to Plastic founder Thomas Bergsten approached wanting to start a new drum'n'bass label to release tracks on vinyl. Pressure Cut Recordings was a fact and has so far released one 12 inch vinyl with tracks by Jan under the production alias Hidden Lab. Parallell to this Jan also got a breakbeat remix signed to a compilation album on Invisible Records in Chicago, using the monicker Soil of Sound. This compilation album was released in September 2001. During 2002 Jan was also signed to the Swedish breakbeat label Sound of Habib based in Gothenburg, and the first release on this label consists of two tracks on a compilation album coming autumn 2002.In 2004, Materia was contacted by London based Basic Recordings and the track Impact was signed to the label. The 12-inch was released in summer 2004 with a Paradox remix on the flipside. To celebrate this a release party was held at HQ in Oxford in May where Materia aka Tectonic played alongside Mattrick, Chemical and Loxy from Metalheadz.More recent releases include a track on Australian Kinematic as well as three tracks on Canadian Earwaks and three on German Tilt Recordings, and most recently two on Finnish Digital Tunes Dubs. Forthcoming releases are planned on several new labels, including Secure Records, Unholy Records, Intelligence Audio, Oni Records, iDJ Recordings and Gun Recordings. The past gig list now includes countries like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, UK, Estonia and Poland. Several gigs are being negotiated and in April Tectonic will play four gigs in Denver at Recon, Diskonect, System and the big festival Nation 4. May starts off with two gigs in Minneapolis - Konkrete Jungle and 9th Circle and continues with Diskonect and The Mastermind in Denver.The future looks bright with forthcoming collaborations together with other electronic producers as well as vocalists and instrumentalists and more international gigs in the pipeline. If you want to book Tectonic aka Materia for a varied set of deep, technical and musical drum'n'bass, breaks or jazz, don't hesitate to get in contact right now.