I'm a little of this, a little of that all mixed up into one. My main interests right now include coffee for consumption and art, photography, lingerie design, the norse god Thor, and dancing infront of bathroom mirrors to black metal. I'm 5'10" and wear women's clothing all of the time (not that anyone really notices). On the weekends I take treks out to the countryside, my hometown, shopping in Chicago, and wherever there's a good field to stargaze in. I have a love/hate obsession with tech gadgets and information.
I created a kult in the 10th Grade called Not My Kult. The kult was not allowed to have members in order to follow guideline #3, which states "There may be no members." In accordance with the guideline, I relinquished my title as Overlord and resigned from the kult. Recently, the goddess of Discordia has instructed me to disobey the third guideline and resume my power of authority in order to write two more guidelines, so that my kult may become compliant with the law of fives. (I was not aware of the law of fives when I was in the 10th grade.)
In honor of her goddessness, I have striken the thrid guideline and replaced it with rule #3: Never forget the law of fives. The kult has been renamed as well and since the old rule #3 has been stricken, I dub you all "Popes of the NDS"
Official Guidelines of the Nihilist Discordian Sect (formerly NMK)
- Guideline #1: Nothing everything + 1
Guideline #2: Look west in the morning, Look east in the evening; as the sun may burn out your eyes.
rule #3: Never forget the law of fives.
Guideline #4: 1/0 = 5
Guideline #5: Stay on the Balance Point