Label Me is looking for boys, girls, and the genderless of all ages to take a picture of themselves with a sign proclaiming their "true sexual orientation" - examples of which can be found all over this page. The goal of this project is to compile a large group of creative images that range from humorous to eye-opening that prey upon society's view of sexuality. Everyone is encouraged to participate and to get creative with it, but remember that the law still applies - this means no nudity unless you're 18+. Please also include your name (first) or alias as well as age (not in the picture). For more information or to participate, contact me through one of the ways listed below or right here on Myspace.
Email: [email protected]
AOL IM label me so
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: labelmeso
Some general guidelines:
- No Photoshopping - Please DO NOT Photoshop your submission. Removing red eye is fine, but anything else just isn't okay. Label Me is looking for real pictures, not ones that have had the coloring messed with or text added.
Please, no webcam images - Some people may have amazing webcams that take fantastically clear pictures, but most don't. If your picture is overly blurry and/or has off coloring it is less appealing and usually harder to read.
Make sure everything is in order - When I recieve your picture I will check it over and if I have any questions I will let you know. If there's something wrong (i.e. spelling error) I will give you the chance to retake and resubmit your picture. However, once I have posted an image I do not allow resubmissions or multiple submissions - for the purposes of Label Me each individual has only one sexual orientation. Hopefully you chose something that encompasses all of your needs/preferences.
Tolerance - Please make sure your sexual orientation is not offensive. If your sexual orientation is specifically hurtful to one culture/race/whatever (i.e. my true sexual orientation is anything but a __________ person.) it will not be accepted.
No animals - Please do not submit pictures of your pets with sexual orientations. Indy is more than enough in that department!
I would also really appreciate it if you did not choose a specific person as your sexual orientation, especially if it is a significant other. People do break up, you know?
Spread the word.
For your viewing pleasure, a slide show featuring all of the Label Me submissions; new submissions will be added to this show as they are recieved.
Legal Notice
By submitting information to Label Me, you grant Label Me a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to that information at its sole discretion, including storing it on Label Me servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed including without limitation published books.
If you do not wish to grant Label Me these rights, it is suggested that you do not submit information to this website. Label Me reserves the right to select, edit and arrange submissions, and to remove information from the Label Me website at any time at its sole discretion.
No image from this site may be used for any purpose without expressed written authorization, with one exception; you may post one image as a link to this site.