FIAT LUX profile picture

FIAT LUX Aurora, rising from her Mygdonian resting-place had scattered the cold shadows from the high h

About Me

My Interests

Anthropology, Appropriate Technology, Art, Campfires, Classical Civilization, Cultural Resource Management, Gnosticism, Philosophy, Poetry, Political Observations, SF, Sociology, Social Reformation, Theology

I'd like to meet:

"Anything that can be done to a rat can be done to a human being. We can do just about anything you can imagine to rats. And closing your eyes and refusing to think about this won't make it go away."[B. STERLING]


Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Wagner


Anything with a flesh-eating Zombie is usually pretty good.


The Aenid by Virgil; The Iliad by Homer; The Odyssey by Homer; 1984 by George Orwell; Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by PK Dick; The Left-Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin and anything by Charles Dickens; Umberto Eco; Arthur Koestler; H.P. Lovecraft; Boris Pasternak; Leo Tolstoy; Jules Verne; H.G. Wells


Bill Watterson; Bronislaw Malinowski; C.G. Jung; Charles Dickens; E.E. Pritchard; Emile Durkheim; Gandhi; George Orwell; John Hill; John Reed; Joseph Campbell; Max Weber; Marcion of Sinope; Noam Chomsky; PK Dick; Raymond Smullyan; Stephen Hoeller; W.E.B. DuBois; William Blake & Louis, Mary & Richard Leakey


The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that is ceases taking itself so seriously ~PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA *or* How I Found Goddess And What I Did To Her When I Found Her; 1968.