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About Me

Middle Finger Media is launching an experiment. It is study into how American industry does not need free trade and corporate loopholes to succeed. This week will be the launch of The experiment will consist of a line of t-shirts that are completely American made. There will be no child labor or cruel work conditions. All of our equipment and supplies are bought from American manufacturers. We will still be able to give a competitive price.At this moment in time, historians will look back at this era as one where multi-national corporations held more power than even the most powerful governments. We will have a theme to our t-shirts of anti-corporate greed. We will combine these with revolutionary figures who faced far more daunting challenges than our generation. Many of these figures, such as Martin Luthur King died for their cause and their people and were aware of the consquences.Middefingermedia's experiment will involve you, the young comsumer. The multi-nationals obtain their power through money. You control your own spending habbits. You decide whether you spend your money at TGI'S or at local restaurant owned by a human being. Mahatma Ghandi's philosphy was one of non-cooperation. We can non-cooperate by not giving into buying everything from corporate franchises or chains. The power to make change is not with Barack Obama, but with each and everyone of us. We can start taking back the middle calss and spread the wealth. Everytime you shop at a local business, You are taking money from the corporations and putting it back into your neighbor's and your pocket. Less than 1% of this country's population is taking the American dream and keeping for themselves. We hear at would like hear your voice. Post a message and start a revolution.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Poeple who are tired of Corporate America controlling every aspect of their lives and our government. People who want to experience the United States at it's best. If you are tired of seeing the same chain stores at every mall, if you can't possibly eat another blooming onion, whether it's at TGI'S or Applebees. We at middlefingermedia can't believe that we're the only ones who can't stand the same generic music on every radio station. We're looking for people who'll show discipline in their spending habbits. Everytime you shop for food, clothes or everyday items, if you choose local stores or brands, you are helping the American economy, creating jobs and perserving our culture. Nine times out of ten, you'll receive a better product at a better price. If you buy a local company's cookies, I'm positive it will be better nutritionally for you. Not made in a lab. If you believe The Olive Garden is an Italian Restaurant than this is not the place for you. Then again, maybe the endless salad and bread sticks are too much to pass up. I will not get into the more sinister consquences of Corporate America. If any of this makes sense, post here, leave a message or become a friend. Take back the American dream.Middle Finger

My Blog

War for Oil Again,while Media Sleeps

Charles Gibson scored the big one, an interview with Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. The interview was an exclusive. Her first time speaking with the press that wasn't a prepared sta...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:42:00 GMT

The Answer to all our Problems

Our Kick Ass New Jersey Punk T's are on sale at Mike and Luciana's Underground Store in Smithville, New Jersey.  If you want do something patriotic that doesn't involve dropping bombs. ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 19:20:00 GMT

Bush sleeps and Defense Contractors cash in

What would the world look like right now, if Bush actually was trying to protect us and not at the ranch taking his nine annual weeks of vacation?   The following is a transcript of the Augu...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 13:46:00 GMT

Exxon Mobile takes $11.7 billion out of the economy

February 1, 2008 Exxon Mobil Profits Exceed $ 11.7 Billion for 2007 4th Quarter!!!! Dow Jones Marketwatch reported that Exxon Mobil had its most profitable quarter ever, earning 18 cents a share more...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 17:11:00 GMT

Bennigan’s done. Good Job People

Sign of the times: Restaurants going bankruptPosted Jul 29 2008, 08:04 PM by Anthony Mirhaydari Filed under: Restaurants, Anthony MirhaydariRating: Confirming a trend we discussed last week, the...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 07:38:00 GMT

Monsanto takes over at any costs

..TR> ..TR> ..TR> ..TR> ..TR> ..TR> Monsanto sues and sues and sues and... ..TABLE> http://www.cropchoice.comby Paul BeingessnerCanadian farmer and writer (Monday, July 14, 2003 -- CropChoice gues...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:53:00 GMT

2007 Top Defense Contractors

Top Defense Contractors Here is a list of the nation's top 10 Department of Defense Contractors in 2007 and spending. ..TR> Lockheed Martin - $27.3 billion Boeing - $20.8 billion Northrop Grumm...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 17:20:00 GMT

CEO’s make record salaries

CEO pay-to-minimum wage ratio soars by Lawrence Mishel In 2005, an average Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was paid 821 times as much as a minimum wage earner, who earns just $5.15 per hour. An ave...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 08:09:00 GMT

Center for Policy Alternatives- Privatizing Prisons

Privatizing Prisons The for-profit prison industry has expanded rapidly, capitalizing on soaring incarceration rates. The United States is experiencing the largest prison build-up in recorded history...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 08:28:00 GMT

Rumsfeld is killin us, not just in Iraq

How Aspartame Became Legal - The TimelineFrom Rich Murray [email protected] ..TR> From Norfolk Genetic Information Network (Taken from Welcome to the Spin Machine by Michael Manville http://w...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 08:03:00 GMT