Here are just some of the horrors of our government
We American's have been robbed long enough! They have taken our American birthright from us, our Freedom and the right of our pursuit of happiness. Special interests have rooted so deeply within our infrastructure that checks and balances within the United States of America just simply do not exist as set forth by our Founding Fathers.
Hello, I am El Presidente ... well not really, but until the campaign officially begins in 2017, I must remain anonymous, as what I am seeking to do is very dangerous. As you see, I will be stepping on some very powerful toes, as these greedy men who run our country do not like what I propose, thus I will be making a lot of enemies. Yes, these powerful people can hurt me now, but once we have one million, five million, twenty-five million people following me, how can they then hurt me? Our grassroots' campaign will propel the people's choice on a candidate who is not a career politician, and who's goal is to create an America for the Americans, and not the special interests that are presently represented.
As political parties often are divided within political affiliations and not the actual issues. I am representing as an Independent. My voting will be based upon the issue at hand, not of the partisan stance."
The Fed on a Limb /19/AR2008031902780.html%3Freferrer=myspace