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Hi everybody.I started my guitar experience in 1994, when i managed for the first time to tune up that cheap classical guitar that was hanging from the wall.When i finally understood how to play the intro arpeggio of the song "Don't cry" by Guns n' Roses, i immediately fell in love with the instrument.Soon i discovered the music and the soul of that great man that is Steve Vai,and my mind was blown away!!!I tought myself more or less how to play for a couple years, practicing like crazy, playing in bands (i remember with affection one above all, called Amauroto, with Gianluca Delfino on the bass guitar and Nicola Campanella on drums),and taking some lessons from the great jazz player Massimo Epinot . Afterwards i joined the Lizard school in Fiesole (Florence),learning from Alex Stornello,Giacomo Castellano and the great Michael Mellner, who really made me understand what Rock is!!!! Life denied me the opportunity to devote my attention full time to the instrument for about 8 years, but recently i started to study again and i joined an acoustic band named "Permanent Vacation". In 2007 i recorded some lead guitar solos for the satanic group called "Veltha"(the album will be ready soon!!!!). I m currently playing in a band called "Bomba all'hotel" (,which is a tribute to the great i talian rocker called GIANNA NANNINI. I recently started collaborating with the staff that created the site called, in order to advertise in italy this new opportunity of jamming online. Right now i am planning to move to the U.S.A., and continue my studies there. if anybody can be interested in having me as a musician, and would l ike to offer me a job in a band, or as a sessionman,or anything else that relates with the guitar or music in general,let me know.i'll know soon in which city i'll move,the choice is between L.A.,San Francisco, New York. I ll be in the States at the most in november. You can find me also here: -azzurri-rocks.html. CONTACT ME FOR PRIVATE LESSONS,IN ENGLISH OR ITALIAN,THROUGH SKYPE. CONTATTAMI PER LEZIONI PRIVATE SU SKYPE.