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Jazzman Records

We Dig Deeper...

About Me

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Jazzman Records - the worlds leading purveyors of Vintage Dirty Funk, Deep Jazz, Heavy Latin, Oddball Library and all Universal Musical Things Good and Wonderous... We Dig Deeper!
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Member Since: 1/15/2008
Band Website: jazzmanrecords.co.uk
Band Members: Click below to listen to our archived selection of FREE podcasts featuring stellar guest turns from the worlds leading collectors and DJs. Nothing but the deepest jazz, Northern, electronica, latin, titty shakers, library, afro, modal, funky reggae, weird gear, ska, soundtrack, ethnic and all assorted flavours inbetween right here:
Jazzman Radio
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Jazzman, Funk45, Stark Reality
Type of Label: Indie