Samantha Jane profile picture

Samantha Jane

All the pussy, none of the pussy comedy

About Me

Let's say I'm an Improviser/writer/actress/singer/dancer/designer living in New York City (ok, Brooklyn- because yes, I am a gangsta). I do shows at UCB Theater, Magnet Theater, and The P.I.T. and other places. And yes, girls are fucking funny. The rest I am unable to reveal because, as cliche as it may sound, I would have to kill you, yes, that's right, I am a cold-blooded, gang-banging, angry jewish youth hardened by the skreets of Brooklyn. and frankly I just don't have the kind of time to go around killing pre-teens on myspace.

My Interests

Comedy, sketch, Improv, Kicking Ass, Taking Names, Theater, and Theatre, Acting, Improv, Film, Costume Design, Fashion, Writing, Poetry, Art, Music, Singing, Dance, Bellydance, the Occult, Psychology, Parapsychology, Palmistry, Buddhism, isms, NPR, Love, Life, The Infinite Cosmos, Me as a cartoon

I'd like to meet:

I do love people, such interesting creatures.


Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Billie Holiday, Janis Joplin, Coldplay, the Killers, Gorillaz, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Indian Chants, Ravi Shankar, Fiona Apple, Bjork, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, PJ Harvey, etc, etc


All About Eve, Sunset Blvd., Breakfast at Tiffany's, the House of Yes, Twin Falls Idaho, the Salton Sea, Tim Burton+Johnny Depp movies, Tim Burton - Johnny Depp movies too, Cool World, Rocky Horror Picture Show, American Beauty, the Usual Suspects, Monty Python, Orgasmo, Cannibal: The Musical, the classic Reefer Madness and Reefer Madness the Musical, Most Quentin Tarintino flicks, I (heart) Huckabees, SLC Punk, and Broken- the best movie ever (


Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, the science channel, Kids in the Hall, Mr. Show, Weeds, The Office, 30 Rock, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Project Runway


the Kabylion, a Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Wigfield (steven colbert in a thong), everything by David Sedaris, True and False:David Mamet, Improvise: Mick Napier, Alice in Wonderland, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Kurt Vonnegut,


Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Meaghan Gallagher

My Blog

Sometimes life is a movie.

I just realized that I am my 5 year old ideal of myself at this age. Minus, perhaps, unlimited fame, money, and a flying horse, this is pretty much what I wanted to be when I grow up. I was in a diner...
Posted by Samantha Jane on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:34:00 PST

Harold 07

'so I am not on a Harold Team at UCB. I am sad for that.]But I have been called back, which makes me one of 48/300 as I was told, and even specialer if you count that this was my first auditionSo I s...
Posted by Samantha Jane on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:25:00 PST

This is for King Brandon

taggedYou've been tagged! (Read my blog for Rules)Rules:Each player of this game starts with '6 weird/different things/habits about you'. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 things &...
Posted by Samantha Jane on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 08:05:00 PST

Well, hello there

So this is the myspace all the kids are talking about, huh? it is most definetly a space, and this one appears to be mine, so that's good advertising. Right, so, I suppose I'm tapped for wit and inter...
Posted by Samantha Jane on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 07:16:00 PST