Comedy, sketch, Improv, Kicking Ass, Taking Names, Theater, and Theatre, Acting, Improv, Film, Costume Design, Fashion, Writing, Poetry, Art, Music, Singing, Dance, Bellydance, the Occult, Psychology, Parapsychology, Palmistry, Buddhism, isms, NPR, Love, Life, The Infinite Cosmos, Me as a cartoon
I do love people, such interesting creatures.
Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Billie Holiday, Janis Joplin, Coldplay, the Killers, Gorillaz, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Indian Chants, Ravi Shankar, Fiona Apple, Bjork, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, PJ Harvey, etc, etc
All About Eve, Sunset Blvd., Breakfast at Tiffany's, the House of Yes, Twin Falls Idaho, the Salton Sea, Tim Burton+Johnny Depp movies, Tim Burton - Johnny Depp movies too, Cool World, Rocky Horror Picture Show, American Beauty, the Usual Suspects, Monty Python, Orgasmo, Cannibal: The Musical, the classic Reefer Madness and Reefer Madness the Musical, Most Quentin Tarintino flicks, I (heart) Huckabees, SLC Punk, and Broken- the best movie ever (
Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, the science channel, Kids in the Hall, Mr. Show, Weeds, The Office, 30 Rock, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Project Runway
the Kabylion, a Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Wigfield (steven colbert in a thong), everything by David Sedaris, True and False:David Mamet, Improvise: Mick Napier, Alice in Wonderland, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Kurt Vonnegut,
Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Meaghan Gallagher