Roger profile picture


About Me

Well what am I like? Im just crazy!!Always up for anything spontaneous, the more random the better! I love going out and having it large, especially with the boys on a Thursday night!! I also love sleep, sleep is sooo good!ha Live your dream, dont dream your life! That's basically me in a nutshell!

My Interests

Martial Arts, football, partying, girls, more partying, more girls!

I'd like to meet:

There's so many people id love to meet Santa Claus (actually met him now in Lapland, he still had a fake beard!) any one of the Victoria secrets models would be good if it was Gisele Bundchen!, Slash from Guns and Roses cos I reckon he knows how to have it large on a night out! Rock n Roll style! and kermit the frog - cos hes a talking frog!


Iv got a wide taste in music variety indie, rock, hip hop, RnB, funky house hate classical music whats the point in that its shit!Apart from that if i like it i listen to it!


Im a film geek i love watching films! Gladiators a classic, Lock stock, Ice age - but its good! Anchor man and wedding crashers funny films!There's so many films to name that i like and im not going to cos that would be sad!


Prison Break love it its the nuts! friends, lost, 24, only fools and horses ledge! deal or no deal, cribs, I spend to much time in front of the tele - loser!ha


Mostly mags that i read - GQ, mens health occasional book here and there but can never remeber what they're called!


Spidermans a good one he can climb walls and stuff!Ledge! Otherwise biggest heros hav gotta be my mum and dad!