Style. Laughter. Weird. Clothes. Music. Food. Friends. Red Lipstick. Creative Endeavors. Conquering Battles and Struggles. SINGING. Man, do i love singing. Drinks on the Rocks. FUN people. Humor. Smarts. Multitasking. E. Raves. Deliority. Some naughty stuff too graphic to be included in this rectangular box.
My guitar Soul! as well as the souls that correspond to all other existing and unbirthed music mates.
The Thrills! The Fiery Furnaces. Drum & Bass!! Jungle!!! R&B. Punk. Folk-Punk. Soul. Indie Pop Rock. Indie. Jazz Attacks. Tigercity. 80's Dance/Disco. Freestyle. 80's New Wave. Synth. Goth Rock. Blues. Electro. Techno. Trance. House. 50's, 30's, 40's, 70's, 60's stuff. Comedy. Lounge. Ambient. Dark Stuff. High energy stuff. Ima Robot. Of Montreal. The Shins. TBIAPB. Defiance, Ohio. Spice Girls - Say You'll Be There. Scissor Sisters. The Logical Song. PB&J.
Half Nelson. Love, Ludlow.
It doesn't turn on.
mmmeh. ain't got nothin to say about them right at this moment.
Frog Sinatra! Blue Lights. aaaand uh ... i don't know. ICE COLD WATER!!!