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Which FFVII Advent Children Villian Are You?
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    learn about kindred of the east abilities! Kindred of the east vampires have two souls one hun one Po the Po is the demon, the hun controls the po. kindred of the east also known as kuei-jin have yang chi yin chi & demon chi. kuei-jin are dual natured thus the warlock succubus reflects this dual nature. the succubus also is dual souled represented by lady death & Purgatorinow im into art & body building my webpage
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    What hot anime villain are you? (WITH PICTURES!!!) by ViShi7
    Favorite color
    If I had the money and time I would...
    You are...
    Quiz created with MemeGen !..
    What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
    brought to you by Quizilla
    Who is Your Saiyan Battle Partner?
    Hosted by Anime . Done right.
    Which teen titan are you?
    by ravegurl_kimikio

    You are Raven!

    Gundam Seed Destiny , Anime Wallpapers , Pokemon , and Yu-Gi-Oh cards at Anime Cubed!
    you are just like raven! she is.. serious and uhh just don't go in her room.... that is all i have to say about her.
    Katana! Traditional japanese sword! Sharp and fast,
    you can kill very efficiently and very
    elegantly with this weapon.
    What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
    brought to you by Quizilla
    find your element at . What demon sleeps inside you ?
    You shelter a Power Demon like Naruto's fox demon, Kyubi.Very close to the fire demon, he brings strength, both physical and mental. The only difference with the fire demon is that he allows himself to be controled and used at will if you are resistant enough .This demon attracts jalousy and envy.
    Take this quiz !
    Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code How many souls do you have and Which element are they hiding in??(Beautiful Anime pics and Detailed Results)
    You have Two souls and they lie in both the Darkness and Light. Your souls have chosen the Darkness and Light because you are Confused, Indifferent, and Torn. You are a very upset and torn individual because you constantly have battles within yourself to decide what is wrong and what is right. You are a very rare person who has a soul from the light realm and a soul from the dark realm. An Angel and a Demon. It must be very hard being you because you never now what to do. And since you dont have your souls helping you chose what to do it makes it worse. To find your souls you must accept them and stop trying to ignore them. Go to a secluded area in the daytime and talk to your light soul as if it was an actual person. Tell it that you accept it and close your eyes. Take in a deep breath and inhale your light soul. Do the same for your dark soul accept do it at nighttime. You will still be torn between decisions sometimes but at least you'll have two souls to share the stress with. You wont be alone. Your souls will be waiting for you.SEASON: FALL OR SPRING.
    Take this quiz !
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    he succeded

    he triple kicks with foot head and hand

    My Interests

    .. classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" flash/,0,29,0" width="500" height="375"> .... ..>
    Free Flash GamesIm into computers and computer gaming, im into taking nutritional supplements for my health, I just got my own appartment and im collecting funiture and stuff that you need for an appartment; fun.
    Louis de Pointe Du Lac

    Vampires Of Anne Rice..(guys) - girls also available on my other quiz
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would
    help humans if they desprately need you. YOu
    are kind and wise with a heart of gold.

    Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)
    brought to you by Quizilla
    Hn! You're Jaganshi Hiei. You're silent, and seem
    very cold and cruel. But that's not true at
    all. You're hiding you're hiding your soft an
    caring side... :)

    What Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You and yuusuke would be good friends.

    What Yu Yu Hakusho Character would You be best friends with.
    brought to you by Quizilla
    What Inuyasha Family Member Are You?
    Hosted by Anime . Done right.
    You are Magus! Evil and determent. You are a bad-guy. You fight
    for yourself and yourself alone. Focussing on
    your target, destroying anything in it's path.
    It's not enterly your fault you became this
    way, you just had a bad childhood.

    Which Chrono trigger Character are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You got your powers today and found out that Ryuu
    is the dragon that saved you. I wonder how your
    going to get yourself out of this one and why
    does it matter if you die or not....Hmmm guess
    you'll have to wait. Isn't the dragon cute, its
    like a mini Ryuu. Rate/message

    No Need for Dragons (2)............A new partner, the beginning of a friendship
    brought to you by Quizilla
    Kane: Kane is the Head of the Order of
    Dragons, the ancient and respected organization
    that has for centuries protected the mystical
    realm of Raiyne. Kane is the leader of this
    small group, which only consists of twelve
    members, because the talent to tame and bond a
    dragon is so rare. It's a natural gift that you
    have to be born with, and this gift grows rarer
    and rarer with each passing year. Anyway, Kane
    is the stoic and yet courageous leader. He's
    quiet but extremely intelligent. He's had a
    hard past and that has had a hand in shaping
    the cold, intimidating figure that he's become.
    However, he is truly heroic and virtuous. He
    seeks justice for all those who do wrong and
    will protect any of those who cannot protect
    themselves. The symbol of his house is the wolf
    and his colors are blue and white.

    Which dragon warrior are you? (pics)
    brought to you by Quizilla

    I'd like to meet:

    Bai Hu - Tiger! Mythological Background: The tiger is associated
    with strength and the desire for a challenge.
    It is also associated with hope to win, or
    rather, the blooming season. It is also linked
    to meandering, or the ability to be in contact
    with a lot of aspects. The tiger also stands
    for war and soldiers fighting to the end, for
    the sake of their country.

    Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
    brought to you by QuizillaId like to meet Chris Angel hes an illusionist heres his fan club
    The Necromancer

    What type of magic do you wield? (8 results + pics)
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Your element is fire. You are
    hyper, energetic, and outgoing. A true people
    person you thrive on large crowds and parties.
    You always have to be doing something, because
    you cannot stand still. Everything you do you
    try to do well, because you are a
    perfectionist. You are passionate and
    ambitious. A leader you know how to persuade
    people and use them if necessary to achieve
    your means. Your personality is vibrant and
    full of life and you are very attractive to
    many people. You would be best matched with
    Metal and Darkness.

    The Element Personality Quiz (7 Results / Photos)
    brought to you by Quizilla~*~Result nr 9~*~

    Your power is: Being a controller of an

    Explanation: Wether it is earth, fire,
    air or water or even all of them, you can
    control that element. That means you can
    manipulate their pysichal form and with just
    thoughts and make an inferno for example. In
    good purposes it can be used to protect but in
    evil purposes it is used to hurt.
    As a person you are slightly 'odd'. People see
    you as different and probably has prejudices
    against you. They see you as 'weird' or the
    'freak', and either that hurts really much or
    you chose to ignore it. You keep your hatred
    for people inside and probably daydream about
    killing them, which gives you satisfaction.
    Truth is you are not evil, only missunderstood
    and mistreated.
    Negative aspects: Since you have deep
    problems inside you could get into some sort of
    mental illness or simply get depressed (if you
    aren't already).

    What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
    brought to you by Quizillasrc=" 16_cturesfire.jpg" border="0" alt="sffh4">
    You're Element is Fire. You have a strong,
    independant, fiery personality and you
    obviously don't let other's push you around.
    You like being in charge and don't care what
    other people think. In fact, you like to stand
    out and be yourself. You're probably shy when
    people first meet you but your a ball of energy
    that could explode at any given moment. You
    like to laugh and whether you admit it or not,
    you like to fight. You're peronality that is
    wild and untamable. You're beauty is physically
    fit and a little sexy and you have a very
    pretty face. (please forgive me if you cannot
    see the pics. If you go to my userpage then you
    can see your result picture at the bottom)

    What's Your Element? (PICTURES)
    brought to you by Quizilla.. --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS -->
    Which Mortal Kombat warrior are you?
    Special Moves: Harpoon: Away, Away, Low Punch

    Click Here to Take This Quiz
    Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. .. --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS -->
    how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
    Aggressive Black Wings

    Unlike passive
    black wings, you only wish to involve yourself
    with humanity in an attempt to demolish and
    fatally destroy it. You feed your fire by
    reminiscing the ignorance and malice youve had
    to deal with. Deep inside there is a small part
    of you that is profoundly sad, and loathing is
    the way you deal with your pain. Crying will
    only bring you down, so you bottle up the
    despair and bring forth your disgust for those
    you hate. There is room for love inside you
    (though it seems impossible), if the situation
    suits you.

    Your wings are utterly tattered, for you are always
    in battle.

    What color do your wings behold? (darker nature)
    brought to you by Quizilla
    Hell: You are most likely not an evil or bad
    person, but are quite troubled at the moment.
    Something is probably bothering you intensly.
    With so much emotion bottled up, Hell will let
    you release your anger. (please rate my quiz)

    **Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics)
    brought to you by Quizilla
    Your inner element is one of great passion and
    intensity. You are a dramatic person who loves
    attention and knows how to get it. You tend to
    have many friends and admirers around you wherever you go.
    You have a strong intellect, tend to have
    strong opinions on issues close to your heart
    and don't know the meaning of tact. You are
    generally an active person who loves sports and
    all things competitive... and you like to win!
    Any career that will bring you the attention
    you crave and uses your talents of persuasion
    is ideal for you. Love tends to elude you
    frequently - you can more easily find passion
    or good friendship than true love. When you do
    finally fall in love... you fall with all your
    heart. However, when it comes to the passion
    end of things, you are second to none.
    Your greatest strengths are your courage to express
    yourself no matter what and your incredible
    charisma. You weaknesses are a tendency to
    narcissism and the possibility of alienating
    others with your forwardness. Balancing your
    strengths and weaknesses is crucial for you to
    achieve balance in your life.
    Astrologically, Fire is associated with the signs
    of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. You are most
    compatible for either love or friendship with
    another Fire Elemental or with an Air. You are
    least compatible with a Water Elemental.
    Now that you have an idea of your strengths and
    weaknesses, why don't you put them to the test?
    If you follow my lead I can take you to a game
    world where you can explore different sides of
    yourself and taste real power....

    Which of the 5 Prime Elements are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla Which Spawn Character Are You?
    You are Spawn. You made a deal with the devil for true love. You may seem like a bad guy, but on the inside you are good hearted.
    Take this quiz !

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    I listen to 94.9 on the radio

    I adopted (name) At StarFire Forest
    You are the Devil card. The Devil is based on the
    figure Pan, Lord of the Dance. The earthy
    physicality of the devil breeds lust. The
    devil's call to return to primal instincts
    often creates conflict in a society in which
    many of these instincts must be kept under
    control. Challenges posed by our physical
    bodies can be overcome by strength in the
    mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. Pan is
    also a symbol of enjoyment and rules our
    material creativity. The devil knows physical
    pleasure and how to manipulate the physical
    world. Material creativity finds its output in
    such things as dance, pottery, gardening, and
    sex. The self-actualized person is able to
    accept the sensuality and usefulness of the
    devil's gifts while remaining in control of any
    darker urges. Image from The Stone Tarot deck.

    Which Tarot Card Are You?
    brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "What Mythological Being Lives Within You?"

    Sweet and caring, love is what makes every part of you. You care for everyone and everything. Your heart is made of the purest of things, for you are an Angel!
    Ok. You are one hell of an angel. You are a
    vampirish angel. You murder in the night, and
    are quite proud of your achievements. You have
    a naturally blood thirsty and malevolent mind.
    But that's just you. You are dark and powerful,
    if a little blood thirsty. You are both and
    angel and a vampire. But you will never be
    either. You feed from the innocent, and glide
    away from the world of mortals. You are unique,
    and have a gift for poetry. You are
    manipulative, and are cunning and quick minded.
    You are a sharp person. One that should never
    be under estimated, and if you are, that person
    will be your next feed. Congrats. You are
    certainly original. Extremely rare and one of a
    kind.But you might want to lessen on the blood. You
    might destroy the world at this rate.Wanna be a vampire? Become on here.

    What Type Of Angel Have You Become?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    What Personality Do You Have?
    Hosted by Anime . Done right.
    Well well well, the old fashioned 17th century
    vampire, one of my faves. You look for the good
    things in life, you posses a lot of classical
    class, and follow that of the original
    vampires, you have no shame in what you are,
    infact you embrace it, you love it and wouldn't
    have it any other way. Your wealth is
    unspeakable and your way of luring people with
    your mystical ways and looks is amazing, and
    most people would often call you The
    Seductress. Please rate this quiz!

    What Kind Of Vampire Would You Be. (New And Improved, With COOL Pics!!!)
    brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "You're an Angel of..... (w/ anime pic.s)"

    You're an Angel of Darkness
    Being an Angel of Darkness, you switched sides going to evil. You are the darkness from of all angels. Your views of everything chance, once positive now negitive. You are bent on revenge and taking over anything that stands in your way. Loving only pain and suffering of others. You are still very beautiful in a bold way, not elegent as you once were. You do Satans dirty work. You loath the angel you once were, you plot to take over the heavens and make the all the angels there suffer.
    The Angel of Death! Calm ruler over the death.

    What kind of Angel are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You are Ifrit! You're a mainstay in everyone's
    party, even if you do have a breath problem.
    Ever steadfast, you reduce all but the toughest
    (or flame-retardant) foes to a pile of ash in

    What Final Fantasy summon are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You are Shiva! You may not be one for comradery,
    but you get the job done with icy precision.
    Beware of the Diamond Dust!

    What Final Fantasy summon are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    If you were an anime character the first thing
    people would recognize about you would be your
    wings. Having wings as your primary
    distinguishing feature shows that you are
    someone who holds to your beliefs (whatever
    they may be) and yet, you are not afraid of
    change either. You are a thoughtful person
    with a tendency to see beyond what most people
    perceive, and are quite open-minded towards new
    and unusual ideas. Most likely you are quiet
    and unobtrusive, especially in unfamiliar
    situations, because you prefer to observe.

    What Would be your Most Distinguishing Physical Feature as an Anime Character? (anime pics!)
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You are an Angel of Darkness!you live in the shadows, and no one knows who you
    really are. You are a good fighter, and will
    not hesitat to kill when threatened. But you
    aren't all evil, you are beautiful, and have a
    very good heart.color: black, and dark purple Song lyrics: "Fallen angels at my feat,
    whispered voices at my ear, death before my
    eyes, lyingnext to me i fear"

    Which elemental fantasy creature are you? ~~AWESOME PICS~~
    brought to you by Quizilla


    Your Pet Animal (With Pics) by kayura_sanada
    First Name:
    Your Pet:
    Quiz created with MemeGen !.. --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->CashWayz Banner-->Take the quiz: "Which Japanese Symbol Are You? (pics and translations)"

    You are a dream. Having fun and everything even if it isnt real.~*~Result nr 10~*~
    Your power is: Time Control

    Explanation: You have the ability to
    freeze, push forward or go back in time. In
    good purposes it is used to prevent bad deeds,
    and the opposite for evil purposes.
    As a person your emotional level has been on
    hold. For one reason or another emotions has
    reduced and now you aren't so full of life. And
    of course, this does not sadden you since you
    could care less. Sometimes though you can be
    hit by emotioal waves inside but you block it
    all out. You don't search for something that
    could make you happy since you have no hope in
    that area any longer. People probably see you
    as annoying because you're not involved and
    just stand there. You probably don't have that
    many friends either, and you feel like you are
    with them because that's what you normally do.
    You stick to your habits and don't appreciate
    Negative aspects: One day all emotions
    are gonna surface again, and that day will be
    very painful. Instead it is more wise to start
    up the emotional level bit by bit, so it won't
    come as a big chock.

    What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
    brought to you by Quizilla
    A demon watches over you. You may find yourself at
    times wishing those you dislike dead.
    Sometimes, you may find yourself being jealous.
    Anger can often get the best of you. You are a
    unique individual. Overall though, you are a
    kind person with a big heart. Your demon is
    always watching over you. Though a demon may
    seem like evil is watching you, it is not true.
    Your demon is on neither side; good nor evil.
    Your demon is on your side. Your demon is
    constantly protecting and guiding you down the
    right path for you in life.
    Who is your soul guardian?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You have an evil soul. You hate people who annoy
    you and sometimes wish they were hurt. You
    don't have many friends.
    What kind of soul do you have (pics included)
    brought to you by Quizilla


    Free music video codes by ..Take the quiz: "WHAT RELIGION BESTS SUITS YOU?"

    You're a rebel at heart. If someone is wearing black, you will wear white. Basically, you do the opposite of every one else. You may hold some type of religious belief, but it's doubtable. Lastly, you're a fine person to speak with... Perhaps a little on the strange site, but who isn't these days?
    Your connection with darkness is through your
    interest in vampires. Theese occult beings
    fascinates you. Their lives are just something
    you would kill for, and if you would have the
    opportunity to be sired, you would. Living a
    mortal kind of life is just so ordinary and
    boring. You aren't necessarly evil just because
    of this interest/obsession, you just can
    connect with them and their lifestyles. Though
    people have a hard time understanding this and
    chances are you're a social outcast. Perhaps
    you hate your life and therefor developed this
    interest, to escape reality.
    What is your connection with darkness? [pics]
    brought to you by Quizilla
    ~*~Which darkstalkers character are you?~*~
    brought to you by Quizilla
    The Jackal
    What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    Naphere wants you to check out a photo on MySpace

    warhammer 40k pic hand paint job