Miss Davis profile picture

Miss Davis

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi ya'll. well, what to say. my life has changed drastically in the last 27 months. i can't believe that it has been that long. if you have been reading my blogs you will know what i am talking about. dec. 31, 2005 i was admitted to the hospital with something called cavernous hemangioma which is a mrcioscopic drop of blood leaked into my spinal cord which paralyzed me. my mom and i moved to carlsbad last january, which is near san diego. we live in a senior citizen mobile home park. it was the easiest and fasted way to get me down here and in therapy. it is awesome as it is like i have a ton of new grandparents. my dad flys down every other weekend or so to be with us. i have a trainer that comes to the house to work with me four days a week for spinal cord and triathlon training...getting bigger muscles! and i also go to a therapy place in anaheim which is doing wonders for my walking. i am doing good and making improvements weekly! i now swim at the YMCA with a masters group and have personal coaching for. i have also started training more as the triathlon season is just around the corner. will put a race schedule up when i know it :) please write me, visit me, pray for me. check my blogs as i will be updating soon and every so often. thanks for your prayers and keep them coming! oh and i am working on a new website which will be out before the months end that will be my official race and speaking website. will let you know when that is ready for your viewing. take care.
My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at myspaceoryours.net!

My Interests

Spinal cord retraining, triathlon training on my handcycle, my push-rim, and swimming, reading, friends, talking on the phone, my kitties :)Life Rolls On presents They Will Surf Again - Disabled Surfing!

I'd like to meet:

God, my gaurdian angel, my future man...unless..., "challenged" athletes


XM radio in my truck but most anything except for rap or hard rock


Pretty Woman, Ever After, The Longest Yard, Sports or Inspirational related movies....


Survivor, Lost, The O.C., ER, Greys Anatomy, American Idol, Desparate Housewives, Prision Break, The Bachelor, Hell's Kitchen, Passport to Europe, and other realty shows...i know but they got me hooked.


The Bible, books that my two sisters loan me/give me :), Holocaust books, history/sports autobiographies/biographies, motivational books


God...I am alive aren't I? my parents and brothers and sisters (in-law), and other challenged athletes!

My Blog

Article is up!!!!

Just letting everyone know that the article written about me is up on the North County Times website.  Please go check it out :)  http://northcountytimes.com/articles/2008/05/18/sports/comm. ..
Posted by Miss Davis on Sun, 18 May 2008 09:25:00 PST

Newspaper article on me Sunday, May 18

Ok so good news....so make sure you check out this Sunday's sports section of the North County Times.  They are doing a big article on me that will be the whole front page of the sports section.&...
Posted by Miss Davis on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:01:00 PST

Surf video up

Surfing....yeah!  So check out the video that is on my page now.  You have seen that photos and now here is some video footage that was all edited with myself and some of the other participa...
Posted by Miss Davis on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:48:00 PST

Redlands Classic race report

Report on my races so far this year: April 3 (Thursday)  5k hill time trial.  I was second to take off with one guy taking off ahead of me and ten behind me.  Wednesday after I picked up Ch...
Posted by Miss Davis on Thu, 01 May 2008 10:38:00 PST

Redlands Classic race reminder

I have always been a tomboy. Grew up in the middle of two brothers. I was used to playing basketball or football with the boys at recess. And now is my time again to compete with and against the boys....
Posted by Miss Davis on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:33:00 PST

Loma Linda/La Sierra people please read!!!!

For all the Loma Linda and La Sierra people....I am doing a weekend of races one on the 3rd, 4th, and 6th. I would LOVE it if you came out and supported me. Especially for the 6th. It is such a good f...
Posted by Miss Davis on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:14:00 PST

Update from rock climbing

The day after I got back from skiing in Colorado I went rock climbing put on by Challenged Athletes Foundation.  I was excited.  I had thoughts of how I thought it would be.  I had also...
Posted by Miss Davis on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:10:00 PST

Back to the sunshine from Colorado : )

So I just got back yesterday from a ski trip to Durango, Colorado.  It was a blast.  It was my first time doing the mono-ski and I will definitely do it again!  I got there by a scholar...
Posted by Miss Davis on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:19:00 PST

Report from Durango, Colorado

Hi from Colorado.  I am having a great time so far improving and progressing everyday in skiing.  It is fun and a good arm workout.  I posted some pictures from today and will post some...
Posted by Miss Davis on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 07:39:00 PST

leaving tomorrow...(Monday)

hey everybody.  just wanted to let you know that i will be in durango, CO leaving tomorrow til saturday.  going to have an amazing first time monoskiing.  will take pictures to post lat...
Posted by Miss Davis on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 05:34:00 PST