Politics, Weight lifting, Fitness, Mountain Biking, video games, all kinds of music, star trek, comic books, Christianity, laying around in my underwear not doing anything all day long, or going to IN & OUT burger at like midnight and getting a 8X8 cheeseburger (8 slices of meat AND cheese) and then eating it and laying in bed writhing in pain saying "what have I done to myself??" yeah thats pretty much it. My idea of a vacation is staying over my friends house for days at a time, and lying in my sleeping clothes all day and watching Star Trek reruns and eating all kinds of pizza, super burritos, philly cheesteaks, and other forms of rubbish.
Anyone who is smart and can engage in good conversation. Politics, religion, comic books, music, video games, sci-fi. Its all good.
Everything from Guns n Roses to Mozart. And now im into Jazz too! i'ts cool, all types of jazz. 91.1 FM KCSM is a really good channel, nonstop jazz, no commercials.
Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, The Usual Suspects, Seven, Star Wars Trilogy, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek: First Contact, Saw, Batman, Batman Returns, BATMAN BEGINS WAS FREAKIN AWESOME!
LOST!!! it's my favorite show in the world, i'ts soooo cool man u gotta watch it. It's an AWESOME blend of action, mystery, science fiction, and fantasy, i'ts the BEST SHOW EVER!! That's pretty much the only show I watch on TV, oh and TUF also (The Ultimate Fighter)
The Bible, Body for Life, The Abs Diet, Books authored by: Bill O'Reilly & Michael Savage, Fight Club, The Lord of the Rings (even though i've never actually read Lord of the Rings, but i hear i'ts good)
Jesus Christ, Batman, Superman, Justice League, Jotarou Kunjo, and my Dad