HERE O' ISRAEL....THE L-RD OUR G-D IS ONE!Mom is now in His Presence... and always in our hearts!
My name is Shoshannah Nichole... some call me Shannah, some call me Nikki...some others call me Kizmet but please just call me in time for dinner!! LOL ...then there is the nickname Sushi...
A short note about the name Sushi... When I was visiting my Sister and her family in Florida, I had sushi one night for dinner when they were eating pasta. Anyway, my Nephew called me Aunt Sushi, which just tickled me silly... and it stuck. Thank you Lizard Boy ~GRIN~
MySpace Glitter Graphics
I'm an Abba's (not so)little girl.... I live in Delaware with my 2 dogs, Gizmo, Blondie. My 3 children are all grown and flown with kids of their own... all 7 of them.
First and most important in my life is G-d! He is my treasure, my everything! I love Y'shua, who chose to die a horrible death on the cross so that I could stand before G-d, clean and acceptable when I leave this world.
My interests include (but not limited to) Native American Art, History and Culture; Theology; Zoology; Anthropology and gardening. I have been heavily influenced by Mars Biggoose. My Mom met him in Ponca City Oklahoma in August 1970. She bought some of his art work and encouraged him to continue to paint. In learning his techniques and connecting with his spiritual style, I have done some of my interpretations of his work. I have put some of my graphic art work up in my pictures... hope you take a look and let me know what you think.
I love nature... music, watching movies and spending time with the people I love.... my family! I've been spending an increasing amount of time on line, mostly in IMVU, where I have met some wonderful People, a few of which are rather special, and one who is my heart and soul.
Yeshua Ha Meshiach rules! I'm totally Messianic!. You lean strongly toward the Messianic faith. Whether gentile or Jew, you acknowledge Yeshua as the promised Messiah. You are probably uncomfortable in Christian churches because they engage in replacement theology, but you are not completely comfortable in Jewish synagogues because they do not acknowledge the Messiahship of Yeshua. You are part of an elite minority, but may often face rejection from both Christians and Jews.
Yeshua HaMeshiach rules! I'm totally Messianic!
Observant Jew, non-Messianic
Jesus, all the way! I'm a Christian!
How Messianic are you?
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