The divine. The mundane. The between.
Someone from a distant dimension. My mother's biological parents. The part of myself that is one with you.
Tool and APC, Soundgarden and Audioslave, RHCP and SOAD, Tori Amos, Live, the Great Old Masters (Floyd, Creedence, Zeppelin, etc.), the Holy Western Chromatic Scales and the Sacred Indian Ragas.
I've seen Beetlejuice more than any other movie. I was raised on horror flicks like Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and Jaws. What Dreams May Come and The Matrix were both pivotal experiences in my life. So was Forrest Gump.
Futurama is my favorite show right now, although most of the Adult Swim lineup is pretty choice. When I was a child I watched Married With Children religiously. Six Feet Under had an impact on me, and like the rest of red-blooded America I'm into The Sopranos, and Homer Simpson. My girlfriend and I like to indulge in bad reality TV as well... but that's all her fault.
Too many to count. When it comes to fiction, I've read a lot of Clive Barker, Michael Crichton, and Stephen King. I highly recommend Imajica, Jurassic Park, and The Dark Tower series, respectively. Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah has been an extremely important book to me. When it comes to nonfiction, I suggest The Magician's Companion (great reference book for religious and magickal symbolism), Reading the Enemy's Mind (about the Star Gate program, the Army's effort to develop psychic spies), and all the great religious texts. If you want a short, easy read, pick up The Power of Now, or the Tao Te Ching. Both will blow your mind.
What, like the X-Men?Seriously, though. My mother, for giving up her own life, so she could keep mine at least somewhat intact. My father, for always trying to redeem himself in my eyes. My Sifu and James, for teaching me what it means to be a man. And of course my dearest Josette, for saving me in my darkest hour. I take the strength you've given me and mold myself to be more like you. Thank you.