Member Since: 8/16/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: i'm the only member of me -- but i do "play well with others"
at your leisure...browse le Discografie on a rainy day when nothing else is uplook for CDs, vinyl & downloads i've played on
Influences: 13th Floor Elevators, After Bathing at Baxter's, Amon Düül (early German version), Amon Düül II, Syd Barrett, Capt. Beefheart, Glenn Branca, Richard Brautigan, Byrds, Kwai-Chang Caine, Can, Jack Casady, Aleister Crowley, Lauri des Marais, Creed Dew, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Electric Prunes, Eno, Evol, Fabulous Furry Freak Bros., Faust, Xeth Feinberg, Fifty Foot Hose, Flying Saucer Attack, Alastair Galbraith, Gerald Gardner, Ghost, Godz, Grace/Great Society, hormones, hunger, Ken Kesey & his bus, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jack Kirby, Mayan cosmogenesis, Patrick McGoohan, Terence McKenna, Alan Moore, New Age with teeth, Pauline Oliveros, Augustus Stanley Owsley III, Parable of Arable Land, early Floyd, Plasticland, Popol Vuh, Quicksilver M.S.'s Happy Trails, Red Crayola, Mister Rogers, Alex Sanders, Shocking Blue, Six Organs Of Admittance, Patti Smith (whose Radio Ethiopia opened a unique portal from my suburban high school existence), "Some Velvet Morning", "classic Trek", Dr. Strange, Sun Ra, Swamp Thing, Television Personalities, thirst, Bobb Trimble, Hermes Trismestigus, Underdog, United States Of America (the band)
here lie some sounds that float me the right way
really diggin right now: Religious Knives, Mammatus, Bobby Beausoleil & the Freedom Orchestra, Bo Hansson, Bobb Trimble, Ananda Shankar, Blues Control
Sounds Like: a tempest in a tin cup,
ghost lemonade,
blimey-stone dust,
a timely tintinnabulation,
this stuff here that i played on...
Record Label: an obsolete notion?
Type of Label: Major