NIRVANA, the doors, pink floyd, led zepplin, THE STROKES, alice in chains, the cure(robert smith, incubus, the smiths, soundgardeN, eric clapton, D.J q-berT, the RZA, dr. dre, o.g. N.W.A, kurt kobain, no limit, the bravery, marilyn manson, the beatles, the wu, grave diggaz, sunz of man, portishead, bloc party, deftones, korn, jack white, a fire inside, hierogliphics, dead prez, TOOL, damien marley, glen danZIG, the clash, depech mode, game, tiger army, methodcal, calabrese, and im not dun yet!!!
Scarface, american me, menace to society, falling down, blood IN BLOOD OUT, belly, juice, the 1st rocky, training day, collateral, hostage, foul play, t-2 judgement day, rebel without a cause, problem child, independence day,
Mayan timekeeper's records indicate that the year of 2012 marks the close of several large cycles of time~ a 26,000 year Mayan Calendar cycle~ a 78,000 year Earth cycle, a 26 million year Earth cycle~ And the 225 million Galactic Year The simultaneous close of these cycles in 2012 is like the odometer turning over for the entire history of our galaxy~ and perhaps the whole cosmos~ It is a moment when humanity when our beloved Mother Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy of the Orion belt~ and perhaps all of creation is expected to take a simultaneous leap in evolution.2012 Philosophy1. Humanity and Planet Earth are currently going through a huge change or shift in consciousness and reality perception.2. The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge. Their main calendar is the most accurate on the planet. It has never erred. They actually have 22 calendars in total, covering the many timing cycles in the Universe and Solar System. Some of these calendars are yet to be revealed.3. The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987. The sixth world starts in 2012. So we are currently "between worlds" . This time is called the "Apocalypse" or revealing~ This means the real truth will be revealed~ Oh shadeem chanovei toyum veedoIt is also the time for us to forgive and to work through "our stuff" individually and collectively.4. The Mayan sixth world is actually blank This means it is up to us, as co-creators ~ to start creating the new world and civilization that we want now. We are the creators of the world around us~ And it has come time for us to start using our abilities to manifest A better world of love and light~ Thru the ability of focus, intention and visualization~ We have the power to change this world~5. The Mayans also say that by 2012- - we will have gone beyond technology as we know it. - we will have gone beyond time and money. - we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension -Our Beloved Earth Mother along with the entire Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe~6. In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will align into a type of eclispic event~ The sun, the moon , all the planets and our Earth~ will simultaneously align exactly with the level plane of our entire Galaxy, the Milky Way. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete~ and it has been scientifically documented That every 26,000 years~ this earth~ goes thru major shifting Virgil Armstrong also says that two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time This is a cosmic event that is of profound nature~7. Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing)~ For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second~ The military have used this as a very reliable reference~ However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising~ It is now over 12 cycles per second! This mean there is the equalivant of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours. Another intrepetation is - we, or rather Consciousness have been down this same road seven times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of Creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of Creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but Creation itself that is accelerating.8. During the Apocalypse or the time "between worlds" many people will be going through many personal changes. The changes will be many and varied. It is all part of what we came here to learn or experience Examples of change could be- relationships coming to an end~ change of residence or location, change of job or work, shift in attitude or thinking etc.9. Remember, in any given moment we are making small and large decisions. Each decision is based on LOVE or FEAR Allows choose love and follow your intuition~ There will be a great fire that is ignited within the core of your potential~ You must learn to embrace this fire~ for it is the fire of your creative potential~ Follow your passion the "burning inner desire that speaks from your heart." Go with the flow and don’t try to fight it~10. Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life. We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts we will attract positive people and events. So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgemental ones.11. Be aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few. Use discernment! Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case of problem..reaction..solution? Do "they" create a problem so that "we" react and ask for a fix, then "they" offer their solution? The "solution is what "they" really wanted in the first place.12. Remember almost nothing happens by accident. Almost all "events" are planned by some agency or other . Despite this, it is a very exciting time to be alive!.. The truth shall set you free!INTRODUCTION Humanity and Planet Earth are currently going through a huge change or shift in consciousness and reality perception~ As incredible as it may seem to many people, humanity on Earth is in the process of an evolutionary change in how we experience life. We are to become a galactic civilization, interacting positively with the many star system civilizations in our galaxy and universe, and indeed other universes. It is our true destiny to change from a society based on fear and competition, to one based on love, peace, and harmony. The current chaos is merely part of the quickening change.We live in an invisible universe (often referred to as spiritual realms, or Heaven) as well as the visible universe, which is the only part most people believe exists. The real truth has been hidden from us so we would eventually remember and discover who we really are, great immortal beings of universal knowledge and wisdom, closely connected to our physical brothers and sisters in space, and those in the spiritual realms. Unfortunately many governments, religions, and philosophies have been manipulated to keep much of the truth from us so others could retain power and control. The recent retaliation to so-called terrorist attacks in the USA will, in time, be shown to be one of the final attempts to keep us under control. However, it is time for a great change in understanding by world populations, who mainly want peace, despite what is presented to us by a manipulated mass media.Many people feel "something is about to happen", but because much of the current change is in the invisible universe, before manifesting in the visible universe, it is difficult to comprehend at first. We have actually been part of a grand "experiment", having agreed at a higher level of understanding to be here in these exciting "end times", the end of one civilization, and the beginning of a new one, known as the Seventh Golden Age that we will co-create.Much has been written, spoken, and prophesized about our future. Some of this information was true at the original time of recording, but has since changed. Some of it was never true, and was intended to manipulate us. And some information was correct and still holds firm today. Sorting all this out is the difficult part. That is why what is "truth" for one person, is not necessarily "truth" for someone else. You need to apply your own discernment to all information, People are waking up in varying degrees as we continue our learning process.Our DNA will be "upgraded" (or reprogrammed) There will come to be a genetic recoding Of every cell in our physical body~ And we will become a frequency of higher light energy~ We will be conduits for huge amounts of information~ That we will allow to flow freely thru us~ to bless every man, women and child evolving upon this beloved Mother Earth~From the center of our galaxy A huge wave of energy shall shine forth And touch our hearts with an incredible frequency of Light And we shall be reborn~ into our bodies of Light energy~ Our consciousness will be connected into a higher dimensions of love and light~ And we shall ascend into another dimension of time and space~ (Hunab Ku)Some information is difficult to absorb, such as the nature of our hollow Earth and the ancient civilizations still living there. Like the fact that many people have actually traveled back in time to change the future of this planet and universe, many eons ago. And like the fact we have discovered how to make war ships invisible and time travel again, since 1943 and how the Apollo Moon Program was a cover-up of higher technology.Secret trips had already been made to establish bases on the Moon and Mars, and to explore other parts of our solar system since the early 60s. Finally, to whet your appetite a little more, or make you more skeptical, depending on where your awakening path is at, Earth is expected to slow its rotation, stop, and reverse its spin without catastrophes, along with being moved in space with the rest of the solar system to become part of the Sirian star system!ASCENSION AND DIMENSIONAL SHIFTSThe Earth has a consciousness of its own, it is a living being. The Divine Plan of the Creator, which we all follow, knowingly or unknowingly, calls for the Earth to ascend from the reality we know as the 3rd Dimension, to the 4th Dimension (an intermediate or temporary existence) and then to the 5th Dimension. This has long been suggested to be around the end of 2012, or earlier. Humanity, and all other life must be ready to ascend, or increase vibration, to move forward with our beloved planet~ Most people will no longer have the time to go through separate and individual ascension processes that could take another 200 or 390 years. They are in their last incarnation and should ascend in order to help establish the next creation on Earth and the whole universe.This means keeping these bodies and gradually bringing them back to about the age of 30. Those who are not ready, will incarnate back into the 3rd Dimension on another planet. They cannot return to the higher dimension Earth. Some people's "contract" is up and they will return to previous star systems, if they wish, and even ascend higher than the 5th Dimension. No one on Earth was originally from this planet.Ascension is the integration of spirit and matter. It is the process where our physical, emotional, mental, and all spiritual bodies combine to create a fully conscious being. We take on a Light body.We are really spiritual beings having a human experience. We have other aspects of ourselves who exist on other worlds, in other dimensions or realities In essence, we are all physical Angels with a giant amnesia problem. Through ascension, we realize we are all connected; we are all One with all other life in the universe. Everything came from one Creator. Race differences, war, owning property, land rights, in fact all aspects of our current world, are really illusory. We live within a giant hologram.Many dimensions, also known as planes, mansions, and parallel worlds~ exist in the same space. They only differ by degrees of vibrational frequency~. When we increase our vibration sufficiently, we change dimension. A measure of the vibration rate of the Earth, its heartbeat, is the Schumann Resonance, which appears to be measured differently by some Earth scientists compared with higher realm information. For years it stayed at 7. 8 cycles per second (hertz). It began moving up at the time of the Harmonic Convergence. August 1987, the year of much spiritual awakening~ In theory, when it is constantly at 13. 0, we are in the 4th Dimension. According to some sources we have been sitting at 12. 9 for some time, and will move to 13. 8 in the near future.Ascension is expected to be achieved when we are fully exposed to the photon belt energies. This is a toroid-shaped energy band that our solar system will pass through twice in a 26, 000 year cycle. Each pass in previous cycles has lasted about 2,000 years. We are currently in the belt, but are protected from premature fatal ascension ~ by a holographic energy field placed around our solar system by the Galactic Federation of Light, our allies from other civilizations in our Milky Way Galaxy. As our vibration rate increases, some photon energies are gradually released into our solar system.Initially, a 12-strand RNA/DNA system will have replaced our body's current 2-strand system. We will have increased our 7-chakra system of body energy vortexes to a 13-chakra system. We will also consciously use 100 percent of our brain, instead of the 10 to 20 percent currently utilized~ Full consciousness will return to us, unity of conscious awareness of why we are here, what we are to do in the future and what our past lives have been We will have universal knowledge at our finger tips, or rather, our brain receptors, and have super-human abilities.GALACTIC HUMANSAs ascended galactic humans (physical angels), we will be able to interact with all sentient life forms in our galaxy, universe, and beyond. We will regain extraterrestrial powers that we lost many lifetimes ago. Telepathy, teleportation, and interplanetary travel without space craft will be possible using our Light body or merkaba.Some people will be able to revisit or return to their previous star system that they came from. Some will help to repopulate Mars, Venus, and Maldek which will be re-formed from the Asteroid Belt.The majority will stay on Earth for the new Golden Age, and will help create it. Earth will be a showcase planet, a major centre for trade, conferences, and headquarters for the Intergalactic Union of many galaxies near us.Those who populate Earth will become her true stewards, anchoring Light and supporting energy nodes and grids around the planet at great temples. The whales and dolphins have been burdened with this task for far too long. We will live in magnificent crystalline cities within the Earth, although they will seem as if they are on the surface. This is how all higher dimension civilizations live on other planets. It is how many Lemurians and Atlanteans already live within the shell of our hollow Earth. We will be meeting them soon.Our new civilization will again be based on spiritual concepts of Lemuria, which in turn, was based on Sirius B concepts.Our current structure of governments will cease. Higher intelligent beings will help us set up new governing councils based on appropriate universal principles. We will have the final say in fine- tuning new government, without interference from those who currently control governments.SHADOW GOVERNMENT AND CONTROLOne of the greatest restrictions to our progress is the repressive control of world "official" governments by a secretive Shadow Government, which also limits the type of daily news or "truth" we receive through the world's mass media.This is why many people are not aware of the current and coming great changes to civilization. It is the reason we have fear-based news most of the time on television and in newspapers.Keeping people in fear and distress through news, financial matters, wars and violence, and mind control, plus filled with harmful foods, drinks, legal and illegal drugs, as well as being subjected to harmful chemtrails, are some of the means to keep our vibrations low. This makes ascension so much harder to achieve.This negative control has also been an aspect of many religions and philosophical groups for a long time. The good news is that this manipulation and control of worldwide societies is quickly coming to an end. A dictatorial New World Order/One World Government, masquerading as a democratic globalization program, will not be allowed by higher realms intervening on our behalf. We agreed to this intervention before incarnating here, despite some people believing it contravenes choice", which it does not under the Creator's divine plan. Those who don't believe in a Creator or this plan are in for a big surprise!Disclosures on how we have been manipulated are soon to be announced, and will commence some wonderful changes.The little known aspect of the Shadow Government is that it, in turn, has been controlled by negative extraterrestrial beings who have given them much advanced technology for their control on Earth. However, we should not hate these aspects of our society. We have probably all exhibited negative traits in past lives just for the experience! It is best to send them love and have nothing to do with their controlling schemes whenever we have the choice. In the near future, all darkness on Earth will be transmuted to Light, and in doing so, will create a stronger Light. Many of the Shadow Government former ET dark allies are now part of the forces of Light in this galaxy. Many former Shadow Government people have also now aligned with the Light The remaining ones can either do the same, or continue incarnating on another 3rd Dimension planet until they are ready to ascend to higher dimensions. It is their choice.HIGHER INTELLIGENCEOur universe is teaming with life at various levels of evolution. We are more or less at the bottom, but are about to make a giant move in the "up" direction. The highest intelligence is the collective energies we term God, the Creator, or numerous other terms. From here, and down through many descending levels of vibration, known as dimensions, planes, or mansions, exist a multitude of beings, initially in spiritual form, then semi-solid, and then in dense bodies like our current ones. We know these beings by terms such as Elohim, Archangels, Lords of Light, Angels, Ascended Masters, and finally extraterrestrials, which have humanoid bodies or those we can call dinoid, insectoid, and reptoid. Television reveals some of these forms in shows like "Star Trek". We have all existed in these higher energy forms before, but intertwined with other aspects of ourselves. We are each part of a soul group of approximately 12 souls, and part of a soul family of approximately 144.Billions of souls (aspects of God) were sent to Earth to see if they could find their way back to the vibration of God or the purest Light without memory of where they had been. This has never been done in this way anywhere before. Thus the uniqueness of our current situation or "experiment" Earth is the process of turbulent change and peace in this galaxy and universe. Evolution elsewhere cannot proceed successfully until we ascend to the 5th Dimension. Many civilizations are watching us with intense interest. Higher dimensions can see through to lower dimensions, but we cannot see higher dimensions from here. In recent years, mankind has had virtually unlimited access to the highest beings of Light who provide guidance through channeled contacts and sometimes even manifesting in etheric or physical form.-? Catastrophe or Ecstasy by Geoff StrayIn 1975, Dannion Brinkley was speaking on the telephone during a thunderstorm. A lightning bolt hit the phone line, sending thousands of volts of electricity through his head and body. His heart stopped and at the hospital, he was pronounced dead, and a death certificate was issued. He was then covered with a sheet and wheeled towards the morgue….then he woke up! He had been dead for 28 minutes, and this was the longest clinically documented near-death experience ever recorded at that time.He later told how he had gone down a tunnel into a bright light, went through a life-recall self-judgement process and was shown a series of future world events, up to 2014. Brinkley said that “between 2004 and 2014, more precisely between 2011 and 2012â€, there would be “the return of an energy system that existed here a long time agoâ€, and that it would culminate in an “electromagnetic polar Earth shift†between 2012 and 2014. The whole process would present mankind with a spiritual opportunity to raise their consciousness. What Brinkley didn’t know, was that 2012 is the next “Creation Date†of the ancient Maya civilization.The MayaThe Olmecs, who are the first civilization known to have inhabited Mesoamerica, are said by archaeologists to have arrived there between 1800 BC and 1500 BC. Several Maya scholars now agree that the calendars used by the Maya were developed by the Olmecs in a town called Izapa, which became populated between 1500 BC and 800 BC, and which the Maya inhabited from about 250 BC. The Tzolkin (literally: “count of daysâ€) calendar was developed by the seventh century BC, according to Mayanist, Munro Edmonson, and consists of 260 days. The calendar was used as an almanac, giving each of the 260 days a unique quality that not only influenced the character of those born on that day, but that would also make it favourable for doing certain tasks and unfavourable for doing others. The descendants of the ancient Maya that live in the highlands of Guatemala, have been using this 260-day calendar in an unbroken sequence, for thousands of years. They explain that the 260-day calendar is based on the period of human gestation.The Long Count calendar has a direct relationship to the Tzolkin, since it consists of 260 katuns rather than the 260 days of the Tzolkin. The Long Count was fully developed by the mid fourth-century BC, according to Edmonson, although the oldest stela dating a contemporary historical event, shows a Long Count date equivalent to 36 BC. The Long Count consists of a hierarchy of cycles; 20 kin or days made one uinal, or 20-day period; 18 uinals made a tun (360-day year); 20 tuns made a katun, and 20 katuns made a baktun. After 13 baktuns had passed, a Creation Date is reached, which is written: The last Creation Date occurred on a Gregorian historical date of 11th August 3114 BC, and this is the “base-date†of the 13-baktun cycle, from which all dates inscribed on stelae were counted. The next time the Long Count date reaches will be on 21st December 2012.PrecessionMaya scholar, John Major Jenkins has made a strong case that the Long Count calendar of the Maya was actually a device for tracking the cycle of precession. This is the 26,000-year cycle in which the Earth’s axis, which is 23.5 degrees off “verticalâ€, rotates in a circle, and is measured by the movement of constellations against the fixed positions of the rising equinox or solstice Sun. The winter solstice 2012 termination point of the 13-baktun cycle indicates a 36-year time window (1980 to 2016) in which the winter solstice Sun rises on the galactic equator. Astronomers variously put the exact half-way point of this process at 1998 or 1999, but the Olmecs and Maya targeted it at 2012. Some commentators have said that the Maya were thus 13-14 years out with their end-point, which is still quite impressive considering it was calculated over 2,000 years ago by a non-technological society. However, as we shall see, there are reasons for considering that the year 2012 is a significant year in the Galactic Alignment process, and was deliberately targeted.The Toltec people of northern Mexico, like the Maya, used the 260-day almanac and also a 365-day calendar known to the Maya as the Haab. Each day had a name in the 260-day calendar and a name in the 365-day calendar, but it took exactly 73 Tzolkins, and 52 Haabs for the combination to repeat itself. This period is known as a Calendar Round, and every Calendar Round the Toltecs held a ceremony called a New Fire Ceremony six months before the day of the zenith passage of the Sun (when it is directly overhead). John Major Jenkins has shown that this New Fire Ceremony was originally also a method of tracking the cycle of precession. It is recorded that exactly six months before the New Fire Ceremony, the priests would go to the top of a hill to see if the Pleiades reached the zenith at midnight, and if the constellation reached the zenith, that meant that the “world would not endâ€. They would then know exactly how close the Pleiades would be to the zenith Sun, six months later, when the stars were not visible due to the daylight. The Stone Alarm Clock When the Toltecs moved down to the Yucatan peninsula, in southern Mexico, it seems that they merged their zenith cosmology with the Maya system, and encoded the result into the Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza. The pyramid has 91 steps on each of its four sides, totalling 364, plus the top step: 365 altogether. This is a clear sign of a calendrical meaning. Every year, on spring equinox, the afternoon Sun causes a shadow play on the pyramid, so it appears that a huge snake is descending the pyramid from the sky. The effect is enhanced by stone snake heads at the bottom of one staircase. The Crotalus durissus rattlesnake, whose zig-zag pyramid pattern has heavily influenced Maya art and architecture, also has a marking close to its rattle, that is identical to the Maya Ahau glyph, which is associated with the Sun. The rattle itself, is called “tzab†in the Yucatec Maya language and this is also the word for the Pleiades constellation. Jenkins argues that Kulkulcan, the Maya name for Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent of the Toltecs and Aztecs, is thus a symbol for the Sun-Pleiades-zenith conjunction, and sure enough, we are now at the beginning of a 360-year time window when the Pleiades conjuncts the zenith Sun directly over the Pyramid of Kukulcan. Right at start of the 360-year time window is 2012, and on the 20th May 2012, 60 days after the equinox snake shadow-play, the Pleiades-zenith Sun conjunction will occur on the same day as a solar eclipse, on the day 10 Chicchan in the unbroken Tzolkin count of the highland Maya. Chicchan means snake, and the snake rattle is sounding our wake-up alarm call!The Hopi EmergenceAccording to Frank Waters’ Book of the Hopi, the Native American Hopi people say that we are in the fourth of seven eras ? the Fourth World, and that we are approaching the transition to the Fifth World. The First World ended by fire; the Second World ended when the Earth “teetered off balanceâ€, causing floods and an ice age, and the Third World ended in a flood. There will be a “Great Purification†just before the start of the Fifth World. The transition is called an Emergence and every year, in November, the Hopi have a ceremony called Wuwuchim, held in an underground chamber called a kiva, in which they re-enact the Emergence, which is seen as a birth process, and “initiates undergo a spiritual rebirthâ€. There is a hole in the floor of the kiva, symbolising the previous ascent, or Emergence from the Third World to the Fourth World. The ladder leading up and out of the kiva represents the forthcoming Emergence from the Fourth World into the Fifth World. The ceremony includes a “New Fire Ceremony†and culminates at midnight, with the Pleiades constellation overhead, showing a direct connection with the Toltec (and later Aztec) New Fire Ceremony, which Jenkins has decoded as a precession-tracking method, as encoded in the Pyramid of Kukulcan, “stone alarm clock†with its 2012 rattle-snake alarm.The Spiritual WeddingIt seems that “the end of the world†actually means “the end of the Worldâ€, as in the end of the current era, and there are at least three more to go, according to Hopi mythology. Archaeologist Laurette Sejourné says that the Aztecs misunderstood the religion of the Toltecs, which was based on the concept of rebirth ? symbolised by the snake, since it sheds its skin and Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, who is represented in the “stone alarm clock†at Chichen Itza, represents a union of Earth (snake) and sky (feathers). In Kundalini yoga, there is said to be a fire-snake, coiled in three and a half coils in the base chakra (one of seven power-zones along the human spine). It is coiled around the Shiva lingham ? the male line of force that comes down from the sky. Kundalini, according to Mary Scott, is an Earth force that comes up from the Earth. She also notes that there are several findings by dowser Guy Underwood, which confirm this connection.Kundalini yoga is the practise of awakening the snake and allowing it to rise up the spine until it reaches the highest chakra, the Crown chakra, where the meeting of Shiva and Shakti lead to enlightenment and the trance of Samadhi ? ecstasy ? the annihilation of the ego and the end of duality. This sounds very similar to the meeting of the Maori Sky and Earth gods, which has been predicted for 2012, and also the merging of the Inca Overworld and Underworld onto the everyday world ? also predicted for 2012. The original Toltec religion of rebirth associated with Quetzalcoatl has actually now been revealed in a long lost Aztec codex called Pyramid of Fire ? (published by Jenkins), which says that Quetzalcoatl is “the man that achieves Godâ€, and that concept of sacrifice was originally the sacrifice of the ego. Everyone has their own serpent, which is the energy of Tonatiuh, the Sun. “And in this serpent sleeps consciousness, in this serpent is hidden divinity. From this serpent his wings will growâ€.Plasmatic ImmersionSo the “spiritual opportunity for mankind†spoken of by Danion Brinkley can be confirmed as a time very close to 2012, when something will trigger a mass Kundalini experience in mankind… but what could the trigger be? Alexey Dmitriev, a Russian geologist, has analysed the increasing changes in Earth’s weather and seismic phenomena, plus recent changes to the geomagnetic field. He has also taken into account solar changes, and changes to the weather and magnetic fields of all the other planets in the solar system. A ten-fold increase to the layer of deflected interstellar plasma on the heliosphere boundary indicates that the solar system is headed into an area of magnetised plasma that Dmitriev says is causing these changes. An increasing incidence of plasma balls in the atmosphere is a sign of the imminent “transformation of Earth†says Dmitriev, involving an interaction with processes beyond the three-dimensional world.Like Brinkley, other near-death-experience subjects have also foreseen Earth changes and consciousness changes associated with 2012, as have many who have undergone out-of-body experiences, lucid dreams, remote viewing, meditative trance states, and even alien abduction experiences.These are all mystical states in which the pineal gland in the centre of the human brain secretes dimethyltryptamine (DMT) into the blood, according to Rick Strassman’s recent study, and the Maya shamans used a mushroom containing psilocybin, which is a close relative of DMT, apparently accessing some sort of global mega-mind - the developing consciousness of the Earth motherThe13-baktun cycle is a 260-unit cycle and thus a macroscopic version of the 260-day sacred Tzolkin calendar, which is based on the period of human gestation, so the 13-baktun cycle may measure a planetary gestation period of 5,125 years, which is the length of human civilization’s recorded history. It seems that our entry into the magnetised plasma band will cause Earth weather changes, and a geomagnetic reversal, which will trigger the pineal gland into DMT and pinoline production, leading to kundalini and out-of-body experiences and increasing incidents of telepathy, while we develop our ability to see beyond the veil and into the next World. night within dream time~ I was taken to a great stone template~ where the sacred knowledge lay etched into stone~ I stood there within my Power~ and began to recite the sacred words that I saw~ the time is growing upon us~ and it is time to bring forth~ the sacred knowledge of light~ I will do my best to bring forth this knowledge~ Bring it out to the Children of Light~ Blessings Lightworker Bottom of FormA CURRENT MOON moon phase