Bones profile picture


For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

About Me

Photographer of fabricated grit and splendor.

Guerilla publicist and promoter. Insomniac. Tall. Chubby. Harsh, yet honest critic of all mediums. Artistically inclined. Talented in the realm of fucking "colorful" language. Loyal believer of proper english. Supporter of small-scale businesses and individuals devoted to creative influence and the like. Dedicated to aiding visually creative minds locate walls for exposure. I also laugh at . . . well . . . pretty much, everything.

My Interests

Laughing hysterically until your tummy aches, toast with jam, apartments with bay windows, cocktails with pals, people with character, music with harmony, photographs with contrast, shirts with collar buttons, and enlightening discussions with charismatic derelicts.

I'd like to meet:

Organic (as opposed to synthetic) people with a firm handshake and a genuine smile.

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If you're interested in free advertising and you've got a decent banner, contact me here . I'm a picky individual though, so if you're marketing bullshit, go fuck yourself with a cactus.


Sheesh, I like a lot of music (doesn't everyone?!), here's some off the top of my head: Spoon, Mew, The Flaming Lips, Radiohead, Grandaddy, A.C. Newman / Neko Case / The New Pornographers, Ambulance LTD, Aimee Mann, The Album Leaf, Kid Loco, Ivy, Club 8, Iron and Wine, Neil Halstead, The Notwist, Out Hud, The Black Keys, The White Stripes, The Strokes, Sublime, Green Day, (old) Nas, Tribe, GZA, Raekwon, Funkmaster Flex, Manu Chou, Air, DJ Shadow, DJ QBert, Scratch Nerds, Beastie Boys, Aesop Rock, William Orbit, Barcode Brothers, Madonna, Orbital, Greece 2000, Thievery Corporation, Hooverphonic, Sigur Ros, Flunk, Helsinki Architecture, Gabin, Beck, Beth Orton, Yo Yo Ma, Mozart, Cat Stevens, The Police, Fleetwood Mac, Dire Straits, CCR, Johnny Cash, Stevie Wonder, Louis Armstrong, Dianna Krall, Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin. Right now I'm listening to James Blunt


Currently my favorite movie is LA Confidential, but I also love: The Royal Tenenbaums, Clerks, The Big Lebowski, 200 Cigarettes, Chinatown, Style Wars, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, In The Soup, The Corporation, Pirates of the Caribbean, Crash, Pleasantville, Edward Scissorhands, Scarface, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Hudsucker Proxy, Lords of Dogtown, A Fish Called Wanda, Pulp Fiction (of course), Venus Beauty Institute, Office Space, Some Like it Hot, Short Cuts, The Maltese Falcon, Napoleon Dynamite, Coffee and Cigarettes, The Shawshank Redemption, Rififi, Garden State, Goodfellas, Payback, Grand Illusion, Amelie, Sneakers, The Station Agent, My Life Without Me, Slacker, Cat Ballou, Life as a House, The Big Sleep and Manhattan


That shit rots your brain
Beverages H2O Yeah, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Iced Tea, Coffee, any Odwalla Drink, V8 w/ Tabasco and Vodka (on occasional "rough" mornings), Dr. Pepper, Sierra Nevada, Guinness, Red Hook, Modelo Negra, Gin and Tonic (w/ Sapphire) and a lemon, Maker's and Seven, Bocce Ball, Vodka Martini w/ Effen and a twist (skip the olive), Margaritas without the salt and any red wine you throw at me, I'll catch it in my mouth.


Notables: Catcher in the Rye, Animal Farm, Flowers for Algernon, Ender's Game, The Fuck Up, Al Capone: The Biography, In The Heart of the Sea, Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Tipping Point, The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time, True American Crime 2004, A Confederacy of Dunces, The Enigma of Arrival, The Master Butcher's Singing Club, Foucault's Pendulum, Plainsong, The Painters Handbook, El Libro Del Arte (by Cennino Cennini), and my favourite: The Oxford Complete Dictionary


Frank Lloyd Wright, Charles and Ray Eames, Phillipe Starck, James Dudley, Wayne Thiebaud, D.A. Bishop, Ellsworth Kelly, Bobby Evans, Quentin Tarantino, Bill Murray, Kevin Smith, Stacy Peralta, Tony Alva, David Cronin, William Mares, Mitch Hedburg (RIP), Karen Okun, Dr. Suess, Groundskeeper Willy, my father and the surfer that saved me from drowning many, many years ago in San Clemente.

My Blog

Under Powell Street 04.23.07

A rare shot of an empty BART Station (Bay Area Rapid Transit, the "super subway" of the Bay Area and beyond) sixty feet underground.From 8am to 6pm, this platform swarms with a sea of commuters, touri...
Posted by Bones on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:07:00 PST

Tenderloin via Holga 03.31.07

Pulled out the Holga in all it's plastic beauty and hit the grit in the TL. Shooting with a Holga is a photographic form of gambling, you have less contol over the results which actually accomodates f...
Posted by Bones on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:13:00 PST

The AE-1 Returns 03.27.07

Shiz got relocated ///Click here to hit Blogger for the low down
Posted by Bones on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:22:00 PST

Grain Elevator 02.18.07

As many of you know, I have an affinity for industrial architecture, and it's surroundings. The grit, the immensity and the lack of flair seduce my eyes. These are images of what I believe to be a gra...
Posted by Bones on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:57:00 PST

Industrial Dusk 02.18.07

Hit Hunter's Point and the Port District of SF today with JJC and Shayboogie, a multitude of gloriously tarnished industrial structures and the mark of artists who take advantage. Plenty of fences too...
Posted by Bones on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:05:00 PST

Chinatown 02.04.07

Took a Sunday morning stroll through Chinatown on my way to North Beach for breakfast. It was hazy, but still sunny nonetheless.001002003004005Chinatown :: San Francisco :: California :: US :: 02.04.0...
Posted by Bones on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:17:00 PST

MSK Mural 01.20.07

Colours down an alley off Geary Boulevard behind the Boom Boom Room on Fillmore caught my eye. This graff runs about half a block down the alley, all sprayed by MSK. Stay up.Avery Alley :: San Francis...
Posted by Bones on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:44:00 PST

December in Vermont 12.31.06

My holidays were spent at the the rents' homestead in Vermont. On the last day of 2006, I wandered the property and shot what I found. It was a challenge to say the least due to my fondness of urban e...
Posted by Bones on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 02:08:00 PST

Macro Toys 12.30.06

Colorful toys belonging to my nephew, shot from the floor. Oh to be young again . . .001002003Lukas' toys :: The Homestead :: Vermont :: 12.30.06...
Posted by Bones on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:35:00 PST

ICA Boston 12.29.06

During a recent holiday stint to the east coast, I hit the new Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA . . . say "eye-kah") in Boston, MA. The incredible structure is perched upon the water along the Harbo...
Posted by Bones on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 10:34:00 PST