soy profile picture


turning ideas into reality...

About Me

"Be the change that you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

"i speak about my loves because i hope, when you go home tonight... while you're laying in bed staring up at the ceiling, you ask yourself if you love what you're doing. and if you're not, then change it. change it that night." -ray bradbury

"I am working for myself, and I think that's very different from someone making you be at work and telling you, "You've got X, X, and Y to do before you go home." Everything that I do, no one has told me to do it. For some reason, that totally doesn't tire me out, working on my own projects. This is like my own project. It is just like one ongoing project, and the more I work on it and change it, the better I feel about it." -pat

Links. Affiliations. Stimulus.

Shot at 1969-12-31

My Interests

eighty five ways

I'd like to meet:

someone faithful
