I have interest in humility, awkward moments, laughing at yourself and laughing some more.
Henry Darger
Dylan,Lennon,Gibbard,Simone,Nicks, Strummer, all the ones that changed my life. Weezer,S. Pumpkins, Rilo Kiley, The Cure, Depeche Mode, all the angsty shit I listened to in high school. And some more.
I like all the good ones and even lots of the bad ones. The Apartment, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Cool Hand Luke, Stand by me, Lost Boys, Goonies!, Gleaming the Cube, Heathers, Rome and Michelle's High School Reunion, Say Anything, Millions, Lost In Translation, CQ, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Princess Bride. Fuck I'm leaving out a lot, this is all I could think of right now.
I don't get it.
I've read all of the Harry Potter books and more than a few times. Bret Easton Ellis is great, Kevin Canty, David Sedaris, Chuck Palahnuk, Shel Silverstein and more.
Mom and Dad. And Jay.