Listening to music, going to the dog park with Captain and the new puppy Reisling, watching TV, playing in dart leagues, drinking with pals, singing, playing Day of Defeat with my {CPD} buddies. Oh yeah...and then there's Jessie :-)
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You are a Nationalist!You beleive in the superiority of you're race/culture, and are extremely patriotic.
       ÂGreen Politics
       ÂDemocratic Socialist
       ÂAnyone who wants me to sing their song, someone to offer me money for doing it, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop, Judy Garland, Harrison Ford, Nelson Riddle, Billy May, Gordon Jenkins, Al Viola, Bill Miller (Though I have and I'd love to do it again), Sammy Cahn, Sting (I can take him off the list now as well), Bono, any of the Beatles, The Pope, Jesus, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton. Really I could be here all day.
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Anything by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Barenaked Ladies, ICP, Tonic, Matchbox 20, REM, Grateful Dead, Peter Gabriel, Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks, Tool, Green Day, The Killers, Elvis, ect. I'm one of those guys that when you turn on the radio, I know the song.
Tango and Cash, any of the Harry Potters, any of the Spidermans, Troy, Chuck and Larry, Knocked Up, any of the Caddyshacks, anything with Tom Hanks in it, all of the Die Hard movies, really I could be here all day as well.
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Poker after Dark, Family Guy, Dirty Jobs, American Dad, Survivor, South Park, War at Home, Simpsons, CSI: Miami, Entourage, Rome, Mythbusters, and late night boxing.
Anything having to do with WWII, anything having to do with Frank Sinatra or the Rat Pack, all the Harry Potters, anything on Jack Russell or Parson terriers, autobiographies, NO fiction please
I have many heroes, but I would have to say my biggest hero is my father. I try everyday to do things that I think would make him proud of me. I hope to be able to one day marry a woman as wonderful as my mother and raise my kids the way my father did cause he did a great job. Also anyone who has ever served for our country. God bless you.