Philip profile picture


fuck Garfield...

About Me

All you need to know about me is that my life story is told in the prophecies of Bob Seger and his Silver Bullet Bands' many emotionally-riddled songs...**************************************************** *******
Babycakes - Cat People
Uploaded by NeelyComics ************************************************************ *** I fish from a psychedelic pond that God knows nothing about.

My Interests

Animals, cats especially (with their cat-like reflexes and secret senses), 20th century modern design, Canada (especially Quebec, with its art and free thinking!!) bass guitar, guitar, singing, writing/arranging music, supporting my friends'art, kink, trying to live life to it's fullest, wandering around in the desert thinking about science, dinosaurs, flying saucers, the natural world, other stuff,.....going vintage shopping. ...looking at poster art..designing posters and flyers and merch for my bands (So far I have one co-designed tshirt and one fine art silk screen under my belt!!)...looking for the hipsters with tha booties.......I know you are out there im guessing Herron Morton...

I'd like to meet:

Id like to find other Australian Americans and start a fuckin group or something... all five of us. Fun laid back people who can laugh and laugh...**** AiM/Yahoo - greenspacemen


CLIP VIDEO OF BRAZIL LIVE@ Chain Reaction Anaheim, CA and University of Southern California august 2006 Indie, punk, hc, metal, new wave, hip hop, rNr.....Mewithoutyou, Sparta,Giant Squid, Mogwai, Faith No More, Isis, Sonic Youth, Against Me!, Converge, Prince and the Revolution, Ted Leo, Calexico, Black Heart Procession, Small Brown Bike, Superchunk, Curl Up and Die, Snoop Dogg, Blood Brothers, Ice Cube, NWA, Mars Volta, Shins, Rapture, Shellac, Gentleman Caller, America Owns The Moon, Re Vera, Cee-Lo, Hepcat, Fugazi, Billy Childish/The Headcoatees/del Monas, Mazzy Star, Pavement,... Jamaican music is my long time passion, especially from the fifties and sixties..... My old bands = Johnny Socko (AsianMan Records), Pravada, The Kyds Vs. Columbus (R.I.P.), Brazil (Immortal Records)(R.I.P.) Currently playing bass with 4 remaining members of Brazil in new as yet unnamed new project.


I like dark humour. Not really into violence, real or ficticious.....


I like cartoons. Discovery Channel. Snorks.


I like fifties sci-fi......but, Bukowski, Robbins, Bradbury, Salinger.


The pop artist Coop, Bootsy Collins..Oh, and Norwood Fisher, if any of you know who that is......Plus, Velma Williams, my grandmother...

My Blog

the new band

so... what will be much much more than just the remnants of the acid rock band Brazil has started to form in my new Woodruff Place lair downtown..  my good friends and I finally have a dedic...
Posted by Philip on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 03:18:00 PST

Brazil is over. Playing our last two shows next weekend.

..> Jonathon is leavin so we are creating a new band. ..> ..> ..> ..>..>...
Posted by Philip on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:22:00 PST

Sheer rock and rolling bliss! August 17th!

Posted by Philip on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 07:24:00 PST

Motion detectors on US/Canadian border

... they dont work too well, i found out today...  might not know if yr a moose, rain or even snow...  many are buried in the ground in remote areas but are very old and some rely on battery...
Posted by Philip on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 11:05:00 PST

Spider bites+Philip = beard

Some of you have already made comment, when I was out the last couple of days, but, if you see me out and I am sporting beard, do not be confused, its just temporary to hide the wicked spider bite I g...
Posted by Philip on Thu, 17 May 2007 12:22:00 PST


The overnight drive from Houston to Shreveport, LA yesterday was the closest the band and I have ever come to death..  (I saw someone get shot once outside of Shortridge Junior High in Indy, but ...
Posted by Philip on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:27:00 PST

Today on way to SXSW

Today fucking sucked....  15 hours driving to our friend Robyn's in Shreveport, Louisiana. We got here to the open arms or Robyn and plenty of beer and weed and andouille sausage (if we wanted......
Posted by Philip on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:17:00 PST

My Life-The Last 50 Years-The PhotoBlog

This is a brief pictorial of my life starting with the fifties and moving forward... This is a pic of me in 1956 in Kankakee, Illinois, with my mother and father,still married at the time.   Th...
Posted by Philip on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 06:06:00 PST

These 2 pics sum up last month on tour w/SES

Smile Empty Soul may not have been the best match-up for us on the road but the fans were actually very receptive of us... and without them, these tour pics would not have been possible...   ...
Posted by Philip on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 01:29:00 PST

Watch out for Juggalos around 46th+Keystone

I was sitting at a stop light at 46th and Keystone when noticed a box truck on the corner with "Juggalos" spray-painted on the side.  I locked my doors...
Posted by Philip on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 01:04:00 PST