Jeff profile picture


Life's like a movie, write your own ending." ~Kermit the Frog.

About Me

I'm a pretty simple guy if you get to know me. I have lived a hard life and have learned from it and currently working hard at turning myself around in the right direction. Which can be a very difficult and testing task. I'm very passionate about non-violence, the envornment and healthy living. I recently have become a vegetarian which is something I have always wanted to try but haven't until recently found the will power to give it a try. It has become a wonderful part of my life and makes me feel so much better. I have also found love in the practice of Yoga. If only more people would practice yoga I truely beleive that the planet would be a better place. I beleive that our lives and the world we all share are what we make of them and if we want to see change we must start with ourselves. Mahatma Gandhi once said "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Very true.

Myspace Layouts at / Buddha in brown /p

My Interests

Meditation and yoga has to be at the top of my list. I also love the outdoors and getting out to camp and hike. YYoga Movie Sneak Preview (first 8 of 88 minute total runtime)
Music, movie new and old. I like to read, reading anything scary. Love the muppets or anything from the wonderful imagination that was Jim Henson. Currently I'm become interested in learning about me, I've lost track of myself and need to mend that relationship. Love magic and things that can bring out the child in the oldest person.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that enjoys the wonder and magic that is life.


Hmm, movies that can be a long list. There are many movies that I love. Old movie would be Singin in the rain, my fav, anything from Abbott and Costillo or the Marx Bros. Slapstick is always funny. Newer movies, I dig The Professional, Titanic, Starwars, Lord of the Rings.


24, Lost, Celeb rehab, Survivor


H.H. the Dalai Lama, Tolkien, Brain Lumley, H.P. Lovecraft


H.H. the Dalai Lama, M. Gandhi, Jim Henson, Harry Houdini, Martin Luther King.

My Blog

An update; Life is Wonderful!

So, about six months or so ago I set out to change my life and not look back. I will admit, it has not been easy. However, I beleive I have done okay so far. I have not had a cigarette since the first...
Posted by Jeff on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 04:22:00 PST

A time to change is Now!!

I have always said, " I need to change" "I should quit smoking" Well, I have quit smoking, yes it's tough, yes I will miss it. But I know that it is best for me and best for those around me. I have al...
Posted by Jeff on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 11:01:00 PST


The time in that we live is a very interesting and yet very sad time. Our world as we know it is now in crisis. There are political, civil and holy wars being raged through out the middle east and wet...
Posted by Jeff on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 01:56:00 PST


Blog, BLog, Blog, Blog, BLOG!!
Posted by Jeff on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:44:00 PST