Henderson profile picture


closed doors and pretty fences...

About Me

Hello, my name is Joel Henderson.
You may already know this about me, but I like to write songs. Sometimes I perform. And sometimes I record.
I used to drive long distances to perform. If I was lucky, folks paid me gas money. If I was even luckier, I got to share the stage – and the gas money – with really cool people. And sometimes, we’d buy each other alcoholic beverages and spend all the gas money we made.
I live a fairly average-joe life today. I’m married to a smokin' hot woman, we have a sweet old dog named Steve, and I drive a Buick. Someday my wife and I will have kids. I bet they'll make up silly songs. And as a family, we'll have bitchin' disco dance parties.
At any rate, please download my music. Share it with your friends. Maybe you'll like the sad songs best. But remember, though I’m now giving away the music I once whored for gas money, all of it is copyrighted. So don’t be mean and use it without my permission first.
And don’t be afraid to drop me a line.
With much love,
The High Risk EP (2006,2003)
High Risk - Download
If Only We Would Talk - Download
Love Remains True - Download
Always Willing To Take Me In - Download
When Will It End - Download
Still I Want Nothing More - Download
© 2003 Joel Henderson
Live from the Kentucky Homefront (2006)
Always Willing to Take Me In - Download
This Time of Year - Download
Curves - Download
Love Remains True - Download
One Kiss at a Time - Download
High Risk - Download
© 2006 Joel Henderson
Live on The Players Spot (2007)
This Time of Year

My Interests


Member Since: 9/30/2005
Band Website: joelhenderson.com
Band Members: Contributors to The High Risk EP
Joel Henderson, Jeff Hopper, Middletown (Tad Armstrong, Aaron Stroup, Stasia Demos, Gonzalo Diaz), and Ric Hordinski.

Contributors to Live from The Kentucky Homefront
Joel Henderson, Matt Scobee, and Nick Peay.

Contributors to The Players Spot
Joel Henderson and Jonathan Shippey
Sounds Like: "There's nothing overdone here, because nothing needs to be. Henderson's thoughtful lyrics and evocative voice are so strong that they easily carry each song into the listener's mind, stirring up familiar images and memories as if Henderson was standing right beside you." Kory Wilcoxson, The Louisville Music News

"His precision with words doesn't preclude a strong emotional content, and his voice has the evocative qualities of an overcast afternoon." Jeffrey Lee Puckett, The Courier-Journal

"His haunting voice only makes his emotionally universal yet clearly personal lyrics all the more poignant." Anthony Bowman, LEO WEEKLY

"Very few albums really affect me the way this one has. In fact, I can probably count on one hand the CDs that I would place in a category with This High Risk EP. It is, and will remain, one of my very favorite CDs that I have had the privilege of writing a review for!” Mark Lush, midwestbands.com

"...[H]is voice and obvious emotional connection to his material are enough to splash a few posers out of his waters..." Joshua Hammann – Velocity Weekly

"If there is any justice in this world, Joel Henderson will have his next album produced by T-Bone Burnett...” Brian Smith – The Phantom Tollbooth

“Joel's thoughtful craftsmanship displays a degree of sophistication rarely heard in young songwriters. He tackles the personal and the universal with equal mastery - with never a hint of schmaltz. This is a difficult task, and Joel's the real thing.” Kit Malone – The Fractured Folk Showcase
Record Label: Avery #5692
Type of Label: None