Punk rock and heavy guitar based bands. Cooking - kick ass ethnic and munchy food!!!
Lemmy from Motorhead,
Jimmy Page,
Chris Cornell,
Johnny Depp,
Dave Grohl
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MC5, Black Sabbath, Weezer, Foo Fighters, Buzzcocks, PJ Harvey, Rage Against the Machine, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Led Zeppelin, just to name a few
Fargo, Desperate Living, Polyester, Napoleon Dynamite, Kingpin, Jaws, hhhmmm - don't think about movies alot, but I do like them.
24, Lost, Survivor, Simpsons, Family Guy, CSI Las Vegas
Charles Bukowski, anything by James Patterson (except the ones involving the kids with wings) and anything John Grisham (also into Vince Flynn lately!)