Horror Movies, Horrible Movies, Foreign Films, Foreign Objects, Psychobilly, Rockabilly, Billy Goats, Filmmaking, Music in general, Random thoughts, CAPITALIZING FOR NO REASON, hullabaloo, gibberish, words that rhyme with caucaphony and general mischief. OH, and I've been known to drink heavily from time to time. Does that qualify as an interest?
I would like to meet the person responsible for curly hair. Whats up with that junk? Also, I guess it would be nice to one day meet some famous people, like about 4 of them. Maybe more, it depends on what kind of mood I'm in. I mean, what do you say to someone who you know but you've never met you know? I get the feeling that the conversation would be really awkward. I mean, I wouldn't want to focus the conversation on them entirely. In fact I would avoid the subject altogether. But then I wouldn't have anything else to talk about, so I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't want to meet any famous people. Maybe if they wanted to meet me and talk to me about me, that would be ok. So, I want to meet famous people who think I'm famous. But I don't want to be famous. No that's bullshit, I do.
I own a record label called Sweatin Betty Records. I also help run HHBTM Records. Also I'm co-editor of The Bee's Knees zine, I help run Yum Yum Publicity and me and Mike Turner are responsible for the annual Athen's Popfest. I like alot of music and it would be impossible to list it all here. I have alot of my favorites listed on my Sweatin Betty Records myspace if you're interested in knowing. For the sake of this listing, my favorites are my friends bands but not because of the music.
I watch alot of movies. Too many some would say. That's probably true. I'll watch just about anything. Check out my blog where I talk about the movies I watch. I love movies. Especially Horror movies.