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Petar Taneski


About Me

Hi! I'm Petar Taneski and I'm a clarinet player. I was born in Ohrid, Repubic of Macedonia, in 1981. I finished Primary Music School in my town. I finished Music High School in Skopje the capital of Macedonia, in MBUC "Ilia Nikolovski Luj". I continued my stydies in Sofia, Bulgaria, in the Academy of Music 'Pancho Vladigerov'. I had the honour to be the first international student to gain scholarship given by the Academy. My professor was Bobby Iotzov, a wonderful teacher and extraordinary clarinet player. During my first Academy year, I attended classes at the professor Petko Radev, who was a Principal Clarinetist of La Scala Opera Orchestra. I had the opportunity to participate on Master Class held by Charles Neidich, who is a professor on Juliard School. I also participated on Master Class held by Nicolas Baldeyrou, who is the first clarinet soloist Orchestre Nacional de France. I particularly enjoyed classes held by Ilijan Iliev, who graduated on Juliard school, and many others. I had many appereances while I studied in Bulgaria. I had concerts in the Concert Hall ''Earth and people' in Bulgarija, in the Concert Halls in Academy, then in Music High School 'Ljubomir Pipkov' and other places I will use all the opportunities that I'm given and I will try to discover new ones because if you have to go, then run, if you have to run, than fly, for a one day when this day will be past, you should be a person remembered by the achievement and most importantly you should be remembered as a great person.

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Member Since: 1/5/2008
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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None