About Me
It all started on a dreary day in the halls of a typical high school a few years back (river table to be exact). I had a vision, a grandeur one at that. Sadly, I put it on hold I must say. The new year has begun though and I am glad to announce it has kicked off well and this is the start of something good.
I suppose I will try and make this as short as possible. The scene is in a slump as of now, and it is my mission to try and get it back up and thriving again. There is always talent, and I suppose there are always venues. Yet there is a lack of unity at times and lack of support. The original vision is a lot larger than anything I could attain right now and it was a long shot plan that involves the next ten years of my life, and even more. (through and well after college)
As soon as I can, since the money is ready (really just pending on artists)...I will release the Viceory clothing company. It's so hard to explain and I have so many ideas. The point of the clothing company though isn't really to make money. Don't ask why I am making a business suicide move because it makes sense in my head and in the larger picture :) Trust me.
Overall the point of this is to create a movement, a bond, a unity, a passion and love for local music or at the least an appreciation. Music is what we had before words, and it's what we will have until the last day of this earth. It united us then, and I see no reason for that unity to cease. The clothing company will represent that unity. I hope to see bands sporting the shirts, fans sporting the shirts, etc. And when people ask you what your shirts about. You casually state, it's a V.C. movement :)
Anyway long story short, as of now the campaign slogan is "God Save the Scene". If you don't get it, I suppose you should do some old school British punk rock listening and learning my friend. I am also going to state that it is not meant to be a blasphemous slogan either, I am Christian and I am using this with pure intentions and love. I honestly think we need help, help uniting and sharing love...through music. After all who created music? God. So may he help the scene. I'm not saying cleanse it or whatever, that's not our job. Those are peoples personal struggles and business. I'm promoting love and support for your fellow musicians and townspeople.
That is all, I will be booking bands and anyone who is interested in being a part of this movement and campaign, feel free to message me.
Rock, Love & Load
Cassie Purtlebaugh