I make pictures of stuff and you can see them here www.benjavens.blogspot.com
I'm pretty rubbish with keeping up with myspace. The main reason is that my computer doesn't like me when i come here and as a result tries to make me bang my head against the wall until i fall down unconscious (true story!). So if you send me messages or a friends request and it takes me ages to reply then this is why. On the other hand it could be because i don't like you, no not really, well maybe. Also i'm rubbish at replying to comments. As lovely as some of them are i'm just a bit useless and for this i apologise. Anyway i best go before IT happens.
I also like buying records and here is a whole bunch of songs taken from some dusty old records that i pieced together...hope you like
If you can't get it to work you can listen and get a track listing here