mad profile picture


About Me

Main Entry: mad
Pronunciation: 'mad
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English medd, madd, from Old English gem[AE]d, past participle of *gem[AE]dan to madden, from gemAd silly, mad; akin to Old High German gimeit foolish, crazy
1 : disordered in mind : INSANE
2 a : completely unrestrained by reason and judgment b : incapable of being explained or accounted for
3 : carried away by intense anger : FURIOUS
4 : carried away by enthusiasm or desire
5 : affected with rabies : RABID
6 : marked by wild gaiety and merriment : HILARIOUS
7 : intensely excited : FRANTIC
8 : marked by intense and often chaotic activity : WILD

My Interests

Gravity. Free will. Sex, drugs, and the aesthetically appealing. Dancing. Cyclical cultural reproduction. Infinity. The ephemeral nature of everything.

I'd like to meet:

Sometimes I feel that it would be best to judge people by what they do rather than what they are. Then I decide that that's all wrong and one ought to evaluate someone solely by what they are. Then again, what really is the difference? I'm not sure I know my own mind (but what would THAT mean, eh?)....Ah fuck it. I just wanna meet pretty people who will hold still long enough for me to smooch them.


I like sad music and angry music and emotive frantic sounding tunes. I'm hip to the dark and despairing void that is post punk (See also, PIL, Flipper, Wire, Joy Division, etc. etc. ad naseum) lately. And I'll even pretend to really really like you shitty band if you're pretty and have a good haircut.


I liked The Last Movie, Apocalypse Now, Dr. Strangelove, Le Dernier Combat, My Own Private Idaho, and various other films about the general shittiness of mankind.


You people have actually, like, met me, right?


Love 'em. Particularly labyrinthine, thematically centered, fiction about existence and/or angsty rebel-types (Maldoror, anything Pynchon, La-bas, and selected bits of Flaubert are all good). Also, essays about brains in vats that deconstruct post-structuralism.


Albert Niemann. Alexander Shulgin.