Everybody has the right to freedom of tought,conscience and religion;this right includes freedom to change religion or belief,and freedom,either alone or in comunity,with others and in public or private,to manifest religion or belief in teaching,practice,worship and observance.Everybody has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek,receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.,.-ThisForAllThemSoldiers,.-JackingWithHopeToComeH
United Nations'Universal Declaration Of Human Rights all revolve around the premise that each person,because he or she is a human,is entitled to certain rights:to life,free tought and speach,shelter,and food;The right to be treated humanely,not to be tortured,killed,or terrorized.These rights are inalienable;that is,each person is born with rights that cannot be taken away by government or law.Mexican Republic Of The United States Of America.