The Official MySpace Page of Brian Mauk profile picture

The Official MySpace Page of Brian Mauk

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

You are welcome to join us on a call 1-605-475-8500 ex 5572503 Mon-Thurs 4pm & 10pm est
My name is Brian Mauk. I come from a professional background. As a kid I grew up watching my parents run a Commercial Graphic arts business out of our home and learned about the advertising business from an early age and also about inter personal/professional interaction. This is a skill set that has greatly benefited me and is a work ethic and professionality I bring to the Network Marketing industry.Original MySpace Backgrounds by Iron Spider
Because of my parents business, I became psychologically un employable. I don't mean that in terms of being lazy but it never made sense to me to trade dollars for hours and has always rubbed against me the wrong way. I have done it and I know the pain of having a job dictate my worth, but I never saw my parents leave for work. I saw them build an asset, a business and this is the perspective I come from.
With PCN (Prosperity Cast Network) I am very happy and proud to be part of a business that is uniqely positioned to re define the Network Marketing industry. When I say "business" I mean BUSINESS, one that you can build and obtain legal ownership over to keep, sell or will as you wish .
Val Smyth the creator of "Mentors in Motion" has created PCN and eliminated the "shell game" that has been played in many other opportunities such as the "one up and two up" and the smoke and mirrors of automation and duplication. As Val says on the calls " The only thing to be successfully duplicated in the history of marketing, is failure". There are no rose colored glasses here, just an emphasis on relationship marketing and the self development of each of us as a person and as a marketer through the "Master Key System" concepts.
I am dedicated to taking the spot light off myself and putting it on to others and helping the people that I serve in this business to realize success, not just in the obtainment of it, but to solidify success for us and our families as a rightful process of empowerment.
If you have the Entrepreneurial heart as I do and are open to learning the practical and step by step application of building a business in this age of relationship marketing, I will take the steps with you to assure your success.
All you have to do is fill out the form from the link below
Also the Prosperity Cast Network has it's own professional social network. Feel free to visit my page and check it out.
View my page on ProsperityCast TV
After that you can listen to one of the live conference calls at the number listed below and all of your questions can be answered live on the call.The Prosperity Cast Network presents 8 live introductory calls a week. Feel free to listen in Monday through Thursday 4pm & 10pm est. Dial 1-605-475-8500 pin 5572503 or free via Skype-- +99008275572503

My Interests

My family,making great friends, helping others succeed in business, Business building,financial freedom,self development,Kenpo Karate and enjoying life.Writing,recording,and preforming music.I also play guitar,sing and play bass.If success in a real business opportunity is your choice, feel free to fill out the form and I will get you more information.
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone who desires freedom from a job and wants a life of opluence. I am serious about helping anyone who desires success.


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My Blog

You will need a million dollars plus to retire. Are you on track?

This is a very scary but also a very real socio/economic reality we are all facing. I spent some time as a licensed practitioner working in the financial industry and the financial reality t...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page of Brian Mauk on Fri, 02 May 2008 03:31:00 PST

I know a Secret about the Prosperity Cast Network!

I just got a message from Laurie, one of my MySpace friends and she had brought up a very interesting concept of having something of value to offer others like a business opportunity an...
Posted by The Official MySpace Page of Brian Mauk on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:11:00 PST