Find out how this 25 year old survivor of an abusive relationship that erased his personality, unlocked the powers of his mind.
That caused him to feel as if he was a flaming phoenix born anew. He became a huge success after he establishing himself as a professional online marketer and coach, and is now empowering others to succeed as well.
This is his story
And it is me , Tobias Fransson that has become the succ ess story by taking action and branding myself. I am now successfully helping people that are pursuing the dream of becoming an online entrepreneur as well as consulting business owners regarding online marketing.
So who is Tobias Fransson?
I am 25 years old and live in Sweden Stockholm and have been working as an entrepreneur for the past 4-5 years. I have read a lot of books, been to a lot of seminars, and gotten trained by very successful people. As an expert in the field, I am currently finalizing my auto responder training program. I also work with video and other web 2.0 technologies as well .
However it wasn't always like this. And in order to tell my story I must start from the beginning.
It started when I got my first J-O-B, it was a Security job and I remember myself being very passionate about it. I was always giving ideas for improvements or how we could better ourselves however that flaming passion was quickly put out by my B-O-S-S when I realised that despite giving my all to the company I got nothing in return and the full time employment I should have gotten went to someone else.
The same thing repeated itself when I two years later worked a sales job and I was equally passionate about it and I gave ideas of improvements and so on and yet again my B-O-S-S put my fires out.
I realised just how little it would have taken my boss to simply say, wow that sounds interesting why don't you write it down into a suggestion and we can go over and see if we can do it or not.
I learnt early in my life that I had higher ambitions, dreams and passion then the average box a B-O-S-S fits his or her staff in. This fact got me started in online entrepeuneurship.
The journey from then until now has been far from un-eventful and I sure have experienced my fair share of bumps in the road.
Just take the time I invested all of my excess cash that I had saved up into different HYIPs. Things were going very well for a while but then the programs closed down and I felt the bitter feelings of how it feels to be SCAMMED. What saved me that time was my fundamental way of thinking that money once invested has been lost so it was just like loosing monopoloy money.
But WAIT ! I want to stop your current line of thinking right there,
Because becoming a success story online has very little to do with the tools themselves but has everything to do with who you are and your life’s story.
Sound complicated?
It really isn’t…
I've found that customers and prospects don’t primarily care about your product or business or how great your compensation plan is. There are so many products and opportunities out there. However, there is one thing that they do care about and that one thing is very unique. There is only one of these in the entire universe and that my friend, is you.
They care about who you are and how you can help them solve their problems, needs, wants, and desires.
I think I've learned all I need to know about having a J-O-B. I know about getting up at 5am in the morning and getting home at 8pm in the evening. I know about working 12 hour shifts and I can really relate to being exhausted and not having a sense of accomplishment or work satisfaction.
I also know how it was in my earlier days of being an entrepreneur. I failed at almost everything I tried and was not getting the results I desired. But, I never quit and here I am today. I am a survivor with a can-do mentality. My greatest sense of accomplishment comes from successfully helping people to move from not getting results, to expanding their own mindset by growing and coaching them to success.
I want to connect with more people that are like myself ....
- People who are passionate and have bigger ambitions and dreams than just working at a J-O-B. .... People who are self-starters that take personal responsibility for getting self educated. .... People that take initiative and are able to follow direction as given.
Since I love to add value , you can go to and subscribe to my free Autoresponder Marketing training program. There you will also learn more about one of the most important tools I use in my business as well as how-to guides packed with marketing tips, tricks, and hints on how you can implement and put that training to use right away.....
I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Skype . If you are not familiar, Skype is a free chat and voice over internet program that 80% of all successful online marketers use for their business communication. You can also get this for free at .
Why not get started today by getting in touch with me through Skype*? My account there is: tobiasfransson (I live in Sweden, Stockholm). If you are the action-taking person I think you are, I want to get started with your training right away. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help put you on the road to success. Remember, it is free so there is absolutely no risk! ....
Lets address your biggest challenge together and start taking specific action that will speed up your own your path to success. Let's get started, TODAY! ....