Losin my head in yur curlies, sedation accompanied by music, focusing,sex,drugs,rock and roll,other music, travel, cities, art, good peeps, good times, love, hate,fine chicks, fun, 69in', adventure, T.V., food, alcohol, your mom, your friends moms, your grandma, bonsai trees, titties, ass, vaginas, sleep, Andre the giant, $$$, sex, sex, boomarangs, nunchucks, ninjas, sharks, poker, skeletons, fishing, snowboarding, joints, pints, shots,you, gyroslum, my homies, the golden gate bridge, wild animals, temples, sunsets, time travel, enchanting moonlight walks in the summer, heartfelt bonding, waves, boobies, colors, the lotto, permaculture, massages, hikes, bolinas, the pacific, flying saucers, the jupiter 2, redwood trees, other trees, the tropics, smooth girl skin, the fact that girls get horny, Mt. Tam, vegitable gardens, waterfalls, skateboarding, ruling the game, by not playing the game, other countries, the will to live, satisfaction, gate 6, the bay, the ocean, boats, cars, fresh air, the moon, the moon setting over the sea, rivers, honey,
Step bitches
good ones LOTR, city of lost children, pulp fiction, watership down, baraka, tron, texas chainsaw, anything andrew blake, country mon, midget porn, up in smoke, fast times, cujo,etc.
sure, what's happenin', good times, the price is right, lost in space
hobbit, lotr,dove, western garden book, my scetch book, monster, harry potter, plants of the gods, hustler, the big book of buds, the phone book, behold a pale horse, into the wild, and many more
Andre the giant