I was born in a middle class family. The youngest of three. I was fead a steady diet of Love for breakfast, Shame for lunch and alot of Fear for din din. Yummy!
As a teenager my life was right out of the movie Return of The Living Dead (the 80's version.) Zombies everywhere! I ran from The Zombies for awhile until they caught me, bit my head, sucked out my brains and turned ME into a Zombie. So I was Zombie with Vampire like qualities hanging out in a graveyard for a long time.
Then I saw a Blinding Light that scared the Hell out of me. The Light told me to leave the graveyard, give up my Zombie duties and Become a Light Bulb. As a Light Bulb I break real easy. But every time I break I become a new Bulb with a Brighter Light. Hopefuly my Light will become so bright that it will shine from here to the graveyards so all my old zombie buddies can see it and become Bulbs their Damned selves.