I'm the guy Ann Coulter warned you about... a typical godless liberal. I have very strong convictions about the separation of church and state, as anyone who visits my site FundamentallyFlawed.com knows.
I am what many people would call a "Secular Humanist". What does that mean, you ask? Well, according to The Council for Secular Humanism ...
"Secular Humanism" is a way of thinking and living that aims to bring out the best in people so that all people can have the best in life. Secular humanists reject supernatural and authoritarian beliefs. They affirm that we must take responsibility for our own lives and the communities and world in which we live. Secular humanism emphasizes reason and scientific inquiry, individual freedom and responsibility, human values and compassion, and the need for tolerance and cooperation."
I suppose I'd call myself a laid back kind of guy, as I have a rather Zen attitude toward life. People generally feel that I'm an empathetic person... which is probably why my shoulders seem to be tear-soaked on a regular basis. I firmly believe in being there when those I care for need a bit of moral support.
So... that's the serious side of me. I have a bit of a crazy side, as well. Ok... I have a rather HUGE crazy side... but not in a demented serial killer kind of way. My sense of humor tends to be a bit off the wall, and I have a tendency to find the humorous side of almost any situation. I get some strange looks from time to time, but that's ok. After all, it's not much fun being "normal", is it?