Annie, Music, my band, Buddhism, Family, Friends, Books. I love animals and all creatures on this big spinning rock, especially a cat named Stitch.
Anyone who is creative, passionate, revolutionary, musical, driven, determined, intelligent, free spirited, fun, and true to themself....if you fall into any of these categories we"ll get along fine.I was in this video and it kicks ass.This is my band, love my band, squeeze my band.
I like all the weird movies most people probably don't, but i like them just the same.
MEATWAD GETS THE HONEYS, G!!!LOST is back, which means my life is gone, lol. Aqua Teen is the greatest show ever, especially Meatwad...he is my home boy.
Hardcore Zen, Sit Down and Shut Up, The Divine Comedy, Catcher in The Rye, anything about music and the history of it. I used to love True Crime books and such about serial killers and their ilk but i am much more adjusted now.
Mike Ness and The Man in Black, Annie for loving me, My mother for well, everything, Alan Sanders for being like a father to me, and my real father for constantly reminding me how NOT to be, and Dylan for being my brother. Oh, and that guy that played keyboard in the band i saw last night...he owned.