the mating habits of slugs and snails, flamenco, paint, my bike, silkscreens, dreams, electricity, inspiration, awkward silence, space, time, destiny.......
So much music...not enough time! Currently SPinnin' in my thingamajig...John Lee Hooker, The Weeds, Buffalo Springfield, Reigning Sound, and Dolly!
Dead Alive, Spirited Away, American Movie, Best in Show, Maria De La O, Ran, the Big Lebowski, etc. etc. etc..
Strangers w/ Candy, Kids in the Hall, Blinddate/elimidate (humanity never ceases to amaze me), the fucking news...
Crime and Punishment, Ham on Rye, East of Eden, dictionary, thesaurus, the Sneetches, Juxtapoz, Harry gawdamn Potter (I'm in love with Sirius Black, OK?!)....blah blah blah.
my homo boyfriends, Ann Margret, Carmen Amaya, Ana Montes, Rosa Parks, the working class....